[bionet.software] Molecular Biology Software from EMBL File Server

FUCHS@embl.bitnet ("Rainer Fuchs ", EMBL) (01/03/90)

Here is the most recent directory listing of molecular biological programs
available from the EMBL File Server. We provide software for MS-DOS, VAX/VMS
and Apple Macintosh.

For introductory help send a mail message to NETSERV@EMBL containing the

Inquiries and submissions please direct to SOFTWARE@EMBL.

Directory of MS DOS Molecular Biology Software on EMBL File Server

To receive files from this directory use the command:
                     GET DOS_SOFTWARE:filename.ext

(a) Molecular Biology Software

filename             ALX3$.UUE
version              1.0
size                 140 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Gotoh O.
description          Alignment of three protein or DNA sequences
literatur            J. Theor. Biol. 121 (1986), 327-337
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             CMOLECUL.UUE
version              May 87
size                 70 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Thompson J. R. (Cedergren R.)
description          graphics output of PCFOLD result files
literatur            Nucl. Acids Res. 10 (1982), 8351-8356
source code          available as MOLECSRC.UUE
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      CGA card

filename             EMOLECUL.UUE
version              May 87
size                 70 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Thompson J. R. (Cedergren R.)
description          graphics output of PCFOLD result files
literatur            Nucl. Acids Res. 10 (1982), 8351-8356
source code          available as MOLECSRC.UUE
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      EGA card

filename             HMOLECUL.UUE
version              May 87
size                 70 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Thompson J. R. (Cedergren R.)
description          graphics output of PCFOLD result files
literatur            Nucl. Acids Res. 10 (1982), 8351-8356
source code          available as MOLECSRC.UUE
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      Hercules card

filename             MOLECSRC.UUE
version              May 87
size                 70 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Thompson J. R. (Cedergren R.)
description          Source code for MOLECULE
literatur            Nucl. Acids Res. 10 (1982), 8351-8356
source code          Pascal
sw requirements      Turbo Pascal
hw requirements      -

filename             EZ-FIT$.UUE
version              1.1
size                 170 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Perella F. W.
description          Calculation of enzyme and receptor kinetics
literatur            Anal. Biochem. 174 (1989), 437-447
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      CGA card

filename             GEL$.UUE
version              17.2.89
size                 50 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Thompson J. R.
description          Calculation of DNA restriction fragment sizes
literatur            Anal. Biochem. 115 (81), 113-122
source code          Pascal
sw requirements      (Turbo Pascal for recompiling)
hw requirements      -

filename             HYDRASC$.UUE
version              1
size                 30 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Penttila T. J.
description          Contour map for two polypeptide sequences.
                     Regions with similar hydropathic properties and second.
                     structure properties are plotted.
literatur            CABIOS, in prep.
source code          -
sw requirements      MATLAB-PC
hw requirements      Math. co-processor, >2M RAM

filename             MOTIF$.UUE
version              - (bug fix with plain ASCII sequences)
size                 45 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Giles I.
description          Motif searching program
literatur            CABIOS 5 (1989), 227-232
source code          C
sw requirements      (Turbo C for recompiling)
hw requirements      -

filename             OLIGO.UUE
version              1.0
size                 105 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Beadles K.
description          Oligo-directed single amino acid substitution
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             PATTERN$.UUE
version              -
size                 55 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Giles I.
description          Pattern searching program
literatur            CABIOS 5 (1989), 227-232
source code          C
sw requirements      (Turbo C for recompiling)
hw requirements      -

filename             PCFOLD$.UUE
version              4.0
size                 160 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Zuker M.
description          RNA folding
literatur            Meth. Enzymology 180 (1989), 262-288
source code          Fortran, Asm
sw requirements      (Compiler for recompiling)
hw requirements      -

filename             PLASMID.UUE
version              1.1
size                 75 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Lipsick J.
description          Plasmid drawing program (CGA card req.)
literatur            -
source code          Basic
sw requirements      (Quickbasic for recompiling)
hw requirements      CGA card

filename             SDSE.UAA
version              2.0
size                 185 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE (split)
author               Oliver J. L.
description          Simulation of DNA sequence evolution (Part 1 of 2)
literatur            CABIOS 5 (1989), 47-50
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             SDSE.UAB
version              2.0
size                 50 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE (split)
author               Oliver J. L.
description          Simulation of DNA sequence evolution (Part 2 of 2)
literatur            CABIOS 5 (1989), 47-50
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             SEQAIDFD.UAA
version              3.5
size                 185 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE (split)
author               Roufa D.
description          DNA and protein sequence analysis package (Part 1 of 2)
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             SEQAIDFD.UAB
version              3.5
size                 185 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE (split)
author               Roufa D.
description          DNA and protein sequence analysis package (Part 2 of 2)
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             SIGSEQ$.UUE
version              1.0
size                 60 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Popowicz A.M.
description          Prediction of signal sequence cleavage site
literatur            CABIOS 4 (1988), 405-406
source code          C
sw requirements      (Compiler for recompiling)
hw requirements      -

filename             TDALIGN$.UUE
version              1.61
size                 120 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Davison D. (Thompson K.)
description          Sequence alignment
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

(b) Archiving/Decoding Software

filename             UUEMBL.UUE
version              -
size                 35 k
compressed           PAK
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Fuchs R. (Dumas M.)
description          UUEncoded form of UUD uudecoder and UUE uuencoder
literatur            -
source code          C
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             UUD.C
version              -
size                 20 k
compressed           no
ASCII conversion     no
author               Dumas M.
description          Source code for recommended uudecoder
literatur            -
source code          C
sw requirements      Turbo C
hw requirements      -

filename             UUDECODE.PAS
version              modified 4-Dec-1989
size                 6 k
compressed           no
ASCII conversion     no
author               -
description          Source code for bootstrap uudecoder
literatur            -
source code          Pascal
sw requirements      Turbo Pascal
hw requirements      -

filename             UUD19.BAS
version              -
size                 5 k
compressed           no
ASCII conversion     no
author               -
description          Source code for bootstrap uudecoder
literatur            -
source code          Basic
sw requirements      GWBasic
hw requirements      -

Files with the extension ".uue", ".uaa" etc. must be decoded with UUD.
See HELP DOS_SOFTWARE for details.

To get a listing of *all* software files available from the EMBL File Server
send the command GET ALL_SOFTWARE to NETSERV@EMBL.

Directory of Apple Macintosh Molecular Biology Software on EMBL File Server

To receive files from this directory use the command:
                     GET MAC_SOFTWARE:filename.ext

filename             BUFSTACK.HQX
version              1.1
size                 80 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Beynon R. J.
description          Calculation of thermodynamically-corrected buffer recipes
literatur            CABIOS 4 (1988), 487-490
source code          -
sw requirements      HyperCard
hw requirements      -

filename             DNAID.HQX
version              1.1
size                 230 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Dardel F.
description          DNA sequence editor with grep-like search routine
literatur            CABIOS 4 (1988), 483-486
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             DOTTYPLOT.HQX
version              1.0c
size                 210 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Gilbert D.
description          Dot-matrix comparison of DNA sequences
literatur            -
source code          Pascal source for sequence loading subroutine
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

filename             ENZYMEKIN.HQX
version              1.0
size                 105 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Gilbert D.
description          Calculation of enzyme kinetics
literatur            -
source code          HyperTalk
sw requirements      HyperCard
hw requirements      -

filename             GELFRAG.HQX
version              1.4
size                 145 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Gilbert D.
description          Calculation of DNA restriction fragment sizes
literatur            -
source code          HyperTalk
sw requirements      HyperCard
hw requirements      -

filename             MACDNA.HQX
version              2/88
size                 65 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Schleif R.
description          DNA sequence analysis, ported from IBM-PC
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -

filename             MATMETH.HQX
version              3.1
size                 225 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Brown J.
description          Molecular biological protocols
literatur            -
source code          HyperTalk
sw requirements      HyperCard
hw requirements      -

filename             RRNA1.HQX
version              0.3
size                 165 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Brown J.
description          Phylogeny of 16/18S rRNA (part 1 of 2)
literatur            -
source code          HyperTalk
sw requirements      HyperCard
hw requirements      -

filename             RRNA2.HQX
version              0.3
size                 120 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Brown J.
description          Phylogeny of 16/18S rRNA (part 2 of 2)
literatur            -
source code          HyperTalk
sw requirements      HyperCard
hw requirements      -

filename             THREE.HQX
version              -
size                 80 k
compressed           StuffIt
ASCII conversion     StuffIt
author               Markiewicz P. (Johnson M.)
description          Alignment of three protein sequences
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

Files with the extension ".hqx" have to be decoded by (Un)StuffIt.

To get a listing of *all* software files available from the EMBL File Server
send the command GET ALL_SOFTWARE to NETSERV@EMBL.

Directory of VAX Molecular Biology Software on EMBL File Server

To receive files from this directory use the command:
                     GET VAX_SOFTWARE:filename.ext

(a) Molecular Biology Software

filename             BUGFIX_6_1.GCG
version              -
size                 9 k
compressed           -
ASCII conversion     -
author               -
description          Fixes for several bugs in GCG package v6.1
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      GCG package,Fortran compiler, C compiler
hw requirements      -

filename             CLUSTAL.UUE
version              -
size                 90 k
compressed           ZOO
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Higgins D.
description          Multiple sequence alignment
literatur            Gene 73 (1988), 237
source code          Fortran
sw requirements      VAX Fortran for recompiling
hw requirements      -

filename             GCGEMBL.UAA
version              -
size                 180 k
compressed           ZOO
ASCII conversion     UUE (split)
author               Rice P.
description          GCG extensions developed at EMBL (part 1 of 2)
literatur            -
source code          Fortran
sw requirements      GCG package v5 or v6
hw requirements      -

filename             GCGEMBL.UAB
version              -
size                 165 k
compressed           ZOO
ASCII conversion     UUE (split)
author               Rice P.
description          GCG extensions developed at EMBL (part 2 of 2)
literatur            -
source code          Fortran
sw requirements      GCG package v5 or v6
hw requirements      -

filename             MOTIF.UUE
version              -
size                 90 k
compressed           ZOO
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Giles I.
description          Motif searching program
literatur            CABIOS 5 (1989), 227-232
source code          C
sw requirements      VAX C for recompiling
hw requirements      -

filename             PATTERN.UUE
version              -
size                 100 k
compressed           ZOO
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Giles I.
description          Pattern searching program
literatur            CABIOS 5 (1989), 227-232
source code          C
sw requirements      VAX C for recompiling
hw requirements      -

filename             SHELLS.GCG
version              -
size                 90 k
compressed           -
ASCII conversion     -
author               Clark S.
description          DCL shells for many GCG programs
literatur            -
source code          DCL, Fortran
sw requirements      VAX Fortran
hw requirements      -

(b) Decoding Software

filename             UUD.C
version              -
size                 20 k
compressed           no
ASCII conversion     no
author               Dumas M.
description          C source code for UUD uudecoder
literatur            -
source code          C
sw requirements      VAX C
hw requirements      -

filename             ZOO.UUE
version              -
size                 60 k
compressed           no
ASCII conversion     UUE
author               Dhesi R.
description          Archiving program
literatur            -
source code          -
sw requirements      -
hw requirements      -

(c) Other software

filename             CD_ACCESS.TXT
version              -
size                 145 k
compressed           -
ASCII conversion     -
author               Stockwell P.A.
description          Driver software for ISO-formatted CD-ROMs
literatur            -
source code          Pascal
sw requirements      VAX Pascal
hw requirements      CD-ROM drive

Files with the extension ".uue", ".uaa" et. must be decoded by UUD. The
resulting ZOO-archives have to be extracted by ZOO. See HELP VAX_SOFTWARE for

To get a listing of *all* software files available from the EMBL File Server
send the command GET ALL_SOFTWARE to NETSERV@EMBL.

General software

To receive any of these files use the command:
                     GET SOFTWARE:filename.ext

Software submission form v. ESW2.89 - Filename: SUBMISSION.SW
   To facilitate software submission to the EMBL File Server.

BIOBIT - An independent newsletter by Rob Harper, Helsinki, SF.
(Disclaimer: the contents of these newsletters does not necessarily reflect
the opinions of anyone at EMBL)
   Filenames:        Contents:
   BIOBIT.1     -    Computer Viruses
   BIOBIT.2     -    BIONET
   BIOBIT.3     -    Introduction to TRICKLE
   BIOBIT.4     -    How to use RELAY
   BIOBIT.5     -    Introduction to FTP
   BIOBIT.6     -    Introduction to ARC and UUENCODE
   BIOBIT.7     -    Compression schemes
   BIOBIT.8     -    Current Contents on diskette
   BIOBIT.9     -    Introduction to EARN node names
   BIOBIT.10    -    Use of gateways from UK
   BIOBIT.11    -    EMBL Software File Server
   BIOBIT.12    -    Database function of LISTSERV