[bionet.software] Unix software from EMBL File Server

Rainer.Fuchs%EMBL@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU ("Rainer Fuchs ", EMBL Data Library) (07/27/90)

In addition to Mac, VAX/VMS and DOS software the EMBL File Server now also
offers free UNIX software for molecular biologists. You will find the UNIX
programs in the directory UNIX_SOFTWARE. Help can be obtained by sending a mail
message to NETSERV@EMBL, containing the line
You can get a list of available programs by sending the command
to the same address.

UNIX software is stored in tar archives and compressed, using the standard
UNIX tools tar and compress. The compressed archives are then converted to
ASCII by using the uue program. To decode UNIX files you need the uud program
which can be obtained (as C source code) from the EMBL File Server. For
details please see the HELP UNIX_SOFTWARE file.

Currently, the following programs are available:

gm        - by Chris Fields. Complete package for analysing unknown DNA
mase      - by D.V. Faulkner. Multiple sequence editor.
mfasta    - by T. deBoer. Shell script for using EMBL/Genbank Mail-Fasta
plsearch  - by R. and T. Smith. Automatic pattern detection in proteins.
prosearch - by L. Kolakowski. Pattern searching using Prosite.
sigseq    - by A. Popowicz. Prediction of signal sequence cleavage sites.
treealign - by J. Hein. Multiple sequence alignments.
uud/uue   - Binary <-> ASCII conversion.

Rainer Fuchs, Ph.D.
EMBL Data Library