[bionet.software] Gene Construction Kit -- Mac software


This is not my shtick, but I ran across this note in the most
recent issue of Macworld and thought there might be those out
there interested in it.  What follows are some snatches taken
from the magazine notice; follow it up as you will.
(copied without permission):
..Constructing gene maps from sequences to show the arrangement
of DNA strands in a gene, the most useful overview of genetic
information, requires a method that's faster than pencil and
paper and easier than workstation mapping software.  A new program
called Gene Construction Kit (GCK) may make the Mac the premier
gene-mapping workstation.
   GCK lets researchers input and organize sequence data from their
own labs or from a genetic data bank to produce maps that show
relatiev locations of genetically important sites....typically,
a lab has a partial map showing a few gene markers. GCK helps
integrate new data into partial maps, plan new mapping strategies
(it contains a database of DNA-manipulation enzymes and routines
to predict fragment patterns in gel electrophoresis), and prepare
mapping data for publication....GCK clips along at a rate that
puts most business applications to shame. It's a remarkable
combination of easy-to-use interface and better-than-workstation
throughput, at least on a Mac II or higher.
   Gene Construction Kit costs $795, or $395 for academic sites.
Site licenses are available.  For more information, call Textco
in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, at (603)643-1471.
(end of copied text)
I hope this is of interest to some of you molecular types out there.
Josh Hayes, Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
voice: 513-529-1679      fax: 513-529-6900
jahayes@miamiu.bitnet, or jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
In the late Devouring Period, fish became obnoxious.  Clamosaurs
and Oysterettes appeared as appetizers.