[bionet.software] 'Face' representations of nucleic acid sequences

SB06@liverpool.ac.uk ("Dr. R.J. Beynon") (09/03/90)

Sometime ago I recall an article on representation of nucleic acid structures
using something similar to Chernov (?) representations of multivariate data
using face cartoons. The idea seems daft, but objective tests have proven that
humans are particularly good at associating facial expressions, and of, for
example, identifying 'strangers' in a data set.

Can anyone help me with a reference to the original article, or better still,
to a program that embodies some of these principles?

If anyone knows of any other 'bizarre' methods of representing sequences, I'd
like to know about them (I already know about CGR, PUPPY and an A4 page full
of A's, G's, T's and C's  :-> )

Thanks in advance,
Rob Beynon

! Rob Beynon                          ! PHONE: (051) 794 4359                !
! DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY          !   FAX: (051) 794 4349                !
! UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL             ! JANET: SB06@UK.AC.LIV.IBM            !
! PO BOX 147                          !                                      !
! LIVERPOOL L69 3BX                   !                                      !
! UNITED KINGDOM                      !                                      !

VINCENT%BUCLLN11@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU ("V Bauchau/Dept Biologie, Louvain-la-Neuve") (09/06/90)

Some very interesting graphical techniques, including 'human faces',
are described in Pickover's book. Here follows a recent posting from this
author, giving some details about the publisher in UK:

> Date:         Wed, 5 Sep 90 14:33:27 EDT
> Sender:       'FRACTAL' discussion list <FRAC-L@GITVM1.BITNET>
> A few of you asked for the name of the British publisher -- for the book
> "Computers, Pattern, Chaos, and Beauty", since the US publisher does not
> distribute the book in England.  The following is the info:  Alan Sutton
> Publishing, Phoenixmill/Far Throupp/Stroud Glouchestershire GL5 2BU UK
> Attn:  Peter Clifford, Tel.  (01144) 453-731114 (UK ISBN:
> 0-86299-792-5).

(The US publisher is St Martin Press, NY).      -Vincent Bauchau