(Don Gilbert) (11/27/90)
Notes on the compiled versions of the MacPROT package for Macintoshes (Peter Markiewicz, 1990) MACPROT MACProt consists of a set of programs for analyzing protein sequences for secondary structure, chain flexibility, hydropathy, helical wheels, and so on. Each program is supplied in a separate archive file. A list of the programs is given below. PLOT.A/HYD analyses the hydropathy (hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity) according to four published hydropathy scales of any sequence stored in AA.DATA file format. The plot can be printed or saved to the clipboard for pasting it into a picture accepting program. After the plot is completed the same sequence can be analysed using different parameters and/or a different hydropathy scale. PLOT.A/HYD5 analyses the hydropathy of a given sequence. It calculates and plots the hydropathy for five increasing moving averages (spans) simultaneously. The first span and the step for the increase is chosen by the user. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/SUM provides three hydropathy plots for a single sequence simultaneously using three different hydropathy scales. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/H3 calculates and plots the hydropathy of up to three sequences simultaneously. It can be chosen among four hydropathy scales. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/TMH calculates and plots the hydropathy. In addition each value for the chosen span is evaluated for its coordinates in a 'hydrophobic moment' plot and the corresponding assignment to the helix type shown. The assignment is also written to a disk file in ASCII format. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/HEL draws a helical wheel of a user selected span of amino acids, plots the hydropathy, and calculates the mean hydropathy using two scales. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/DOT plots two sequences (the same or different ones) against each other in a dot matrix. Two methods are used, which either search for perfect matches (identities) or for similarities according to five different score matrices based on (a) accepted point mutations, (b) genetic and structural similarities, (c) conformational state, and (d) observed substitutions. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/GOR calculates and plots the preference of each residue for four conformations (helix, extended, coil, turn) along the sequence. The sequence is written to a file in coded letters according to the most likely preference. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/GGR similarly calculates and plots the preference for three conformations (helix, extended, coil) along the sequence and writes the evaluation to a disk file. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/STR searches for up to ten user selected stretches of amino acids within a given sequence and plots the respective positions found along the sequence. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/FOT suggests regions likely to be amphipathic. Two disk files are created (1) to specify the residue starting an amphipathic segment, and (2) to write the sequence in coded format. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/POW plots the power spectrum of a user selected stretch. Saving and printing is done as in PLOT.A/HYD. PLOT.A/KAS determines main chain flexibility and in turn antigenic determinants. PLOT.A/TSL translates a DNA sequence. Available from: EMBL: NETSERV@EMBL GET MAC_SOFTWARE:filename.ext U Houston: (INTERNET/ARPANET) SEND MAC hqx-encoded-file-name America Online: New service summer 1990, consult your manual for details IUBIO: anonymous ftp to: IuBio.Bio.Indiana.Edu directory: [archive.molbio.mac] (cd [archive.molbio.mac]) files included in this MACPROT package are: PLOTA-DOC.HQX;1 106 28-SEP-1990 22:50 PLOTA-GGR.HQX;1 258 16-OCT-1990 13:21 PLOTA-HEL.HQX;1 300 18-SEP-1990 20:23 PLOTA-POW.HQX;1 241 5-NOV-1990 16:15 PLOTA-SIG.HQX;1 213 5-NOV-1990 16:19 PLOTA.HQX;1 390 19-SEP-1990 14:31 PLOTA.README;1 32 17-AUG-1990 13:31 PLOTGOR.HQX;1 263 19-NOV-1990 17:16 PLOTKAS.HQX;1 209 4-OCT-1990 11:40 PLOTKKD.HQX;1 205 19-NOV-1990 17:17 PLOTTMH.HQX;1 223 19-NOV-1990 17:19 Written by: Peter Markiewicz Dept. Microbiology, MBI, UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 email: JMILLER%VXBIO.SPAN@STAR.STANFORD.EDU - - - - - - - - - - Don.Gilbert@Iubio.Bio.Indiana.Edu biocomputing office, indiana univ., bloomington, in 47405, usa