I am trying to collect strains of bacteria which belong to the Enterobacteraceae (for those molecular biologists out there, E. coli has a lot of relations) for an engineering/evolutionary study. We plan to screen them for induced beta-galactosidase activity and catabolite repression, which should tell us whether they have the lac repressor/CAP protein system. Those organisms which turn out to have a lac repressor will be used in PCR reactions to attempt to recover the actual sequences of the repressor. Since the presence of the repressor/CAP system may be useful to those trying to untangle the taxonomy of the Enterobacteraceae, we are offering to test any strains you send us for these phenotypes. Since we are molecular biologists, we don't have the expertise to interpret our results in terms of taxonomy/plylogeny, but possibly others will be able to use the data, and collaborations are welcome. What follows is a list of the type of organisms we are searching for. We will take them from any source--lab stocks, clinical isolates, old lyophylized cultures, etc. We already have ATCC strains for some of these organisms, but have found that "identical" organisms can give widely differing results in the PCR reaction. If interested, contact us at the following address: Dr. Peter Markiewicz Dept. Microbiology 421 MBI UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 213-825-8924 e-mail: JMILLER%VXBIO.SPAN@STAR.STANFORD.EDU We also have a parallel project to PCR out sequences for Thymidylate synthase from major divisions of eubacteria and archebacteria. If you are working with some of these organisms and are interested in getting these sequences, contact us. ************************************************************************* List of Potential Lac repressor-Positive Members of the Enterobacteraceae any of these strains would be welcome (note-some names may be obsolete) Name Lac+ ONPG+ b-gal color Reference Aeromonas .sobria d + ? ? 5),p.1293 .caviae d + ? ? 5),p.1293 Alteromonas(marine) .macleodii + ? ? ? 7),p.1325 .espejiana +<35!c ? ? 7),p.1325 Beneckea (marine,reclassified into Vibrio) .harveyi + ? ? lum.61 6),p.1323 .campbellii + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .parahaemolytica + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .alginolytica + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .natrigens + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .vulnifica + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .splendida + ? ? lum.+ 6),p.1323 .pelagia + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .nereida + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .angulillarum + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .nigrapulchrituda + ? ? - 6),p.1323 .proteolytica + ? ? - 6),p.1323 Buttiauxella .agrestis 100 100 ? 0 1),p.48-52 Cedecca .lapagei 60 100 ? 0 1),p.48-52 .neteri 35 100 ? 0 1),p.48-52 Citrobacter .freundii 50 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .diversus 35 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .amalonaticus 50 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Enterobacter .aerogenes 95 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .agglomerans 40/94 90 ? 75 (groups 2-11,not assigned to Erwinia) .amnigens 50 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .asburiae ? ? ? ? (also known as one of agglomerans groups) .cloacae 93 99 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .dissolvens ? ? ? ? 8), p.338 .gergoviae 55mut 97 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .intermedium 100 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .nimipressuralis ? ? ? ? .taylorae ? ? ? ? Erwinia .amylovora 100 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 .ananas 100 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 .carotovora 100 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 .chrysanthemi 68 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 .rhapontici 100 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 .stewartii 30 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 .uredovora 100 ? ? ? 10), p. 9-11 Escherichia-Shigella .adenylcarboxylata (really an Erwinia?) .hermanii 45 98 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Ewingella .americana 70 85 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Klebsiella .planticola 30 100 ? 0 1),p.48-52 .terrigena 100 100 ? 0 1),p.48-52 .trevisanae ? ? ? ? Kluyvera .ascorbata 98 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .cryocrescens 95 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Levinea .amalonatica ? ? ? ? 8), p 339 Leciercia .adencarboxylata ? ? ? ? 9), p. 65 Leminorella .grimontii ? ? ? ? 9), p. 65 .richardii ? ? ? ? 9), p. 65 Moellerella .wisconsensis 100 90 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Photobacterium .leiognathi + ? ? lum.+ 6),p.1323 .angustum + ? ? lum.+ 6),p.1323 .phosphoreum + ? ? lum.+ 6),p.132 Plesiomonas .shigelloides d + ? ? Chap. 103, Pragia .fontium ? ? ? ? 9), p. 65 Rhanella .aquatilis 100 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Salmonella subgroup 3b(Arizona) 85 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 Serratia .entophilia ? ? ? ? .ficaria ? ? ? ? 8), p.339 .fonticola 97 100 ? 0 (Erwinia?) 8), p. 339 .grimesii ? ? ? ? 8), p.339 .marinobura + + ? red 2),chap97,p1196 .odorifera 97mut 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .plymuthica 80mut 100 ? 0 1), p.48-52 .proteamaculans ? ? ? ? 9), p.65 .rubidaea 100 100 100 0 1), p.48-52 References: 1)Farmer et. al., (1985) J. Clin. Microbiology 21(1),46-76 The Prokaryotes (1981) A handbook on habits, isolation, and identification of Bacteria, Vol II M. Starr, H. Stolp, H.G. Truper, A. Balows, H.G. Schegel (eds.) Springer-Verlag. Subsequent refs refer to this text by chapter 2)Chap.97,p.1196 3)Chap. 102,entire 4)Chap. 103, pp1287 5)Chap.103,p1293 6)Chap 104, pp. 1323 7)Chap 104,pp.1325 8)Gavini et. al., Intl. J. Syst. Bacteriol.(1989) 39(3);337-345 9)Beji et. al., Intl. J. Syst. Bacteriol.(1988) 38(1);77-88 10) Verdonck et. al., Intl. J. Syst. Bacteriol.(1987) 37(1);4-18 PS::I'll take strains even if they weren't reported lac postitive