(Larry Hunter) (03/08/91)
Call for Papers and Referees Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 25 Kauai, Hawaii - January 7-10, 1992 Biotechnology Computing Minitrack Building on the success of the Biotechnology Computing Minitrack in the 24th HICSS, the Software Technology Track of HICSS-25 will contain a special session focusing on design of computer systems for use in biological science and engineering. The presentations will provide a forum for the discussion of new approaches to the challenges posed by this rapidly growing application domain. Both the rate of innovation in biotechnology and the effective transfer of basic scientific insights into significant application depend crucially on a diverse and complex collection of computer systems. In a dramatic shift over the last five years or so, nearly every biologist working in genetics, protein structure, or other molecular fields now routinely uses very large databases and sophisticated analytical tools. For example, the discovery that certain oncogenes (cancer causing genes) are point mutations of normal growth factors depended crucially on the use of macromolecular databases and rapid sequence searching algorithms. The challenges of biocomputing touch on nearly all aspects of computer science. The field is open to dramatic improvements driven by innovations at any level of computation, from hardware input devices and laboratory robotics to user interfaces and data-browsing tools, to AI inference engines and supercomputer modelling techniques. All of these diverse technologies are being applied to the very particular, well defined goals of understanding the structure, interactions and functioning of biomolecules. Papers are invited that describe improvements in the power, quality, effectiveness or ease of use of software and systems in any bioscience or biotechnology related area. Areas of special interest include advances in: * Modelling of molecular dynamics, reactions, or metabolic pathways * Prediction of macromolecular structure and function from data * Design of data structures, databases and search engines for managing biological information, and for integrating diverse data sources. * Representation, use and discovery of significant patterns in macromolecular sequence data. * Design and efficient implementation of molecular visualization tools and advanced user interfaces for bringing advanced computational abilities to the bench biologist * Automation of experimental techniques, data acquisition, data analysis, quality monitoring and other laboratory activities, especially those related to genome sequencing. * Design of biotechnology workstations and wide area integrated or loosely coupled systems, including issues in networking, standards, access and international cooperation. Instructions for authors : Manuscripts should be 22-26 typewritten, double-spaced pages in 10 or 12 point type; do not send submissions significantly longer or shorter. Papers must not have been previously presented or published, nor currently submitted for journal publication. Each manuscript will be refereed by at least five reviewers. Manuscripts should include a title page that identifies the title of the paper, the full name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing and electronic address(es), telephone number(s) and a 300 word abstract of the paper. Members of the community willing to serve as referees should send their name, electronic and physical address, phone number, and areas of interest to the program chair. Authors of submissions to this minitrack may not serve as referees. Deadlines: * A 300 word abstract is due by April 22, 1991 * Feedback to the author concerning the abstract by May 6, 1991 * Six copies of the manuscript are due by June 5, 1991 * Notification of accepted papers by August 30, 1991 * Accepted manuscripts, camera ready, are due by October 1, 1991 * All registrations must be received no later than Nov. 15, 1991 Send submissions and questions to: Lawrence Hunter National Library of Medicine Building 38A, Mail Stop 54 Bethesda, MD 20894 (301) 496-9300 (301) 496-0673 (fax) -- Lawrence Hunter, PhD. National Library of Medicine Bldg. 38A, MS-54 Bethesda. MD 20894 (301) 496-9300 (301) 496-0673 (fax) (internet) (bitnet/earn)