[bionet.software] PDB modification warez

rescorla@rtnmr.chem.yale.edu (Eric Rescorla) (06/11/91)

I have received a bunch of responses suggesting ways to do what I
want to do. They range from Polygen's Quanta to the code I have
decided to use: Randy Read's MUTATE package. It is purely public
domain. Since he was kind enough to send it to me, I'll take the
burden upon myself--anybody who asked me for information by Email
should send me mail again and I will send them a copy of the package.
It is in F77 and I will be mailing it tarred, lempel-Ziv compressed,
and uuencoded unless someone requests otherwise...
Eric Rescorla                                      rescorla@rtnmr.chem.yale.edu
Yale University Department of Chemistry             rescorla@psun.chem.yale.edu
"No his mind is not for rent--to any God or government." Peart/Dubois