[bionet.software] Resource Directory for teaching software


The CTI (Computers in Teaching Initiative) Centre for Biology will shortly
be publishing the second edition of its Resource Directory of software
available for teaching tertiary-level biology.  The Directory includes
reference to both commercial and public domain software and generally
includes a brief description of the product, details of availability and
sources of further information, normally a pointer to a review.

If anyone would like to contribute details of a _finished_ item for possible
inclusion in the Directory, please e-mail us as soon as possible.


Peter Miller                        Phone: 051-794 3586
CTI Centre for Biology,             Fax  : 051-794 3588
Donnan Labs,                        E-mail (JANET):
University of Liverpool,                   CTIBiol@UK.AC.LIVERPOOL
PO Box 147,
Liverpool L69 3BX, UK.