[bionet.software] MacSciTech conference

gilbertd@cricket.bio.indiana.edu (Don Gilbert) (06/20/91)

1st Annual
T E C H N I C A L  C O N F E R E N C E  &  E X P O

January 15 - 17, 1992  ...  Sir Francis Drake Hotel  ...  San Francisco, 

Call for Papers


Title Submission Deadline Q
August 1, 1991

Full Abstract Submission Deadline Q
October 1, 1991


The 1st Annual Conference on Scientific & Engineering Applications 
of the Macintosh (SEAM '92) will be held January 15 - 17, 1992 at 
the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco, California.  The 
technical conference will provide a central forum for discussions on 
the use of Macintosh computers in all fields of science and 
engineering.  The meeting will focus on practical applications of 
Macintosh technology in scientific and engineering environments, 
and will serve to stimulate the interchange of real solutions to 
current problems.

SEAM '92 will overlap one day with MacWorld Expo and will present 
an opportunity for interaction with Apple Computer, vendors of 
scientific and engineering software and hardware, and other, more 
general users of the Macintosh.  SEAM will also include its own 
table-top exhibition where third-party developers will demonstrate 
their latest products.

SEAM '92 is organized and sponsored by MacSciTech, the Macintosh 
Scientific and Technical Users Association, an independent, 
professional association whose charter is to enhance the effective 
utilization of Macintosh computers within the scientific and 
engineering communities.  The conference is open to all scientific 
and engineering users, but members of MacSciTech will receive a 
registration discount.

The Macintosh computer has emerged as a platform of choice for 
many applications in science and engineering due to it's ease of use, 
graphical operation, and price/performance ratio.  Specific solutions 
to many problems in science and engineering have been implemented 
by working scientists and engineers using Macintosh hardware and 
software.  This meeting will be a forum for the communication of 
these solutions with an emphasis on the details of the actual 
techniques used.  Broad areas to be considered will be data 
acquisition, data visualization, image processing, data analysis, 
symbolic and numerical analysis, and CAD, as well as specific 
solutions of scientific or engineering problems on the Macintosh.

Technical Sessions & Keynote
The SEAM '92 technical program will consist of 2 and 1/2 days of 
technical sessions and will include invited talks, contributed 
papers, at least one poster session, short courses and panel 
sessions.  The plenary talk will feature Dr. Clifford Stoll, author of 
RThe Cuckoo's Egg.S

Session topics to be considered (sample listing) Q
1.	Data acquisition on the Macintosh
	-	Hardware
	-	Software
	-	Specific solutions
2.	Imaging on the Macintosh
	-	Image acquisition
	-	Image processing
	-	Imaging standards
3.	Analysis on the Macintosh
	-	Symbolic math 
	-	Numerical analysis 
	-	Data analysis 
4.	Data visualization on the Macintosh
	-	An introduction to data visualization 
	-	Data visualization for scientific applications
	-	Data visualization for engineering applications
5.	CAD/CAM/CAE on the Macintosh
	-	Computer aided design & drafting
	-	Finite Element Computations
	-	Computer aided engineering			
	-	Computer aided manufacturing
6.  Specific solutions, for example:
	-	Chemistry on the Macintosh
	-	Molecular Biology on the Macintosh
	-	Earth sciences on the Macintosh
	-	Mechanical engineering on the Macintosh
	-	Electrical engineering on the Macintosh
7.  Multimedia for scientists and engineers
8.  Remote computing with the Macintosh
9.  Future scientific and engineering needs on the Macintosh

Submission Procedure
Original papers are solicited that have not been previously presented 
and that describe technical contributions in an area as broadly 
described by the topics above.  Each presenter must submit both a 
presentation title and a 200-word abstract of their presentation.  
Please note that commercial product descriptions are not acceptable 
for the technical program  The submission of a presentation title 
will be viewed as a commitment to present at the technical meeting 
and will be due earlier than the abstract of the presentation.  The 
full abstract will be reproduced in the conference program.  The date 
and time of presentation will be determined when the program 
committee meets to review submissions.

Presentation Title Deadline
The deadline for the submission of a presentation title is August 1, 
1991.  The title should be descriptive in nature and should be 
accompanied by the author's name, affiliation, return address, 
telephone number, and any e-mail addresses.  The author should also 
indicate the topic or topics, as listed above, covered by the 
presentation.  The presentation title and auxiliary information may 
be submitted by mail, e-mail, or by Macintosh floppy disk.  Disk and 
e-mail submissions may be made in text, Microsoft Word, or 
MacWrite II formats.  Mail and disk submissions should be sent to :
SEAM '92
c/o MacSciTech
49 Midgley Lane
Worcester, MA 01604

E-mail submissions may be sent to:
scitech@ra.nrl.navy.mil on the Internet
or to		
SciTechMac on America Online.

E-mail or floppy disk submissions are strongly encouraged in the 
interest of efficiency and timeliness.

Abstract Deadline
The deadline for the submission of a 200-word abstract of the 
presentation, along with author information and a signed copyright 
transfer form, is October 1, 1991.  The abstract should be succinct 
and informative, and may contain one figure.  Along with the 
abstract, the presenter should indicate a preference as to whether 
the paper should be given as an oral presentation, as a poster paper, 
or as either.  Oral presentations for submitted papers will be 12 
minutes in length with a 3 minute question and answer period.  
Presenters of poster papers will be provided with an easel and board 
on which to display a summary of the paper.  A number of 
Macintoshes will also be available for those wishing to present their 
paper electronically.  Authors of poster papers will be requested to 
remain in the vicinity of their poster for the duration of the session 
(90 minutes) to answer the questions of attendees.  Again, it is 
strongly urged that abstracts be submitted electronically or on 
Macintosh floppy disks.  If a figure is being submitted along with the 
abstract, it must be in MacDraw, Canvas, or PICT format.

Short Courses/Workshops
Selected short courses for review and professional advancement, 
supplementing the regular technical sessions, will be held in 
conjunction with the conference.  Short courses will be three hours 
in length. A slide projector, Mac II, Barco projector, and screen will 
be provided.  When you submit your paper, please specify whether 
youUd prefer to presents a paper session or workshop.

Advance Program
Members of MacSciTech will automatically receive copies of the 
advance program.  Others who wish to receive the advance program 
may make their purchases at the conference or write to the address 
below.  The program will be made available in printed form as well 
as in a HyperCard stack.  For additional information on the technical 
program, please write, call, or fax:
49 Midgley Lane
Worcester, MA 01604
508/755-5242, Fax: 508/795-1636

or send an e-mail message to:
scitech@ra.nrl.navy.mil on the Internet
SciTechMac on America Online

Housing Accommodations
Accommodations for conference registrants will be available at the 
Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco, CA (415-392-7755, 800-
227-5480, 800-652-1668 in California).  All attendees will receive 
the special MacWorld/MacSciTech discount rate on rooms Q $120 
single/$130 double. When you book your room, remember to mention 
that you're with MacSciTech and the SEAM Conference.

Membership in MacSciTech
The charter of MacSciTech is to enhance the effective utilization of 
Macintosh computers within the scientific and engineering 
communities.  The goals of the association are:
-	To provide members with a forum for the timely exchange of 
practical information on the use of Macintosh computers in a variety 
of scientific and engineering applications.
-	To provide members at all levels of expertise with education 
and training services concerning the use of Macintosh computers in 
scientific and engineering environments.
-	To provide a method of information exchange between the 
scientific and engineering users of Macintosh computers and 
providers of Macintosh scientific and engineering hardware and 
-	To advance standards of excellence and professional 
development throughout the membership.

Regular and student charter memberships are available through the 
end of 1991 at a price of $25, regular member, and $15, student 
(enclose a copy of student ID).  To obtain a MacSciTech Membership 
Application, contact:
49 Midgley Lane
Worcester, MA 01604
(508) 755-5242, Fax: (508) 795-1636

or pick up the form electronically:
scitech@ra.nrl.navy.mil on the Internet
or at
Science & Engineering SIG on America Online.

Don Gilbert                                     gilbert@bio.indiana.edu
biocomputing office, biology dept., indiana univ., bloomington, in 47405