[bionet.software] NEW on NIC.FUNET.FI

HARPER%FINFUN@ICNUCEVM.CNUCE.CNR.IT ("Robert Harper Finland", CSC) (06/25/91)

Genbank bounced my mail when I tried to post this message... so
this time I will go through IRLEARN and see if that is any better.
Sorry if you have received this message twice.

**********************   CLIP   ************************
Lets keep it brief.

1) Archie has been installed on NIC.FUNET.FI
   You can telnet to nic.funet.fi and login with the username archie
   and browse around to find the location of software at different
   ftp sites.

2) ~pub/cache now exists. These are special short term directories
    which will keep the LATEST software from about 100 ftp sites.
    The files get stored for 2 weeks and then are removed. Disk
    space is at a premium, and this is a moveable feast.
    NIC will poll sites for NEW additions to foreign archives, and
    download the files to the ~pub/cache directories.
    Think of it as the "special offer" shelf at your local maxi-market.
    To get at the files do and anonymous ftp into nic.funet.fi and
    cd to ~pub/cache

3)  The Bioserver run by "Dan the man" from Houston is being mirrored
    on nic.funet.fi which means that anything you find on MENUDO
    you will also find on NIC. For instance you will find PIR in

    If you have an ftp archive that you would like to make available
    to Europeans then get in contact with me and we can discuss setting
    up a mirror archive on NIC. I am particularly interested in small
    databases, personal literature references, etc. to be incorporated
    into WAIS ( Wide Area Information Server ).

    And for our next performance, the up-coming edition of Biobit will
    feature and article on how to... Get Wise Get Wais...
