[comp.theory.self-org-sys] CA program

nelson_p@apollo.HP.COM (Peter Nelson) (02/12/90)

 Well, I have a rudimentary version of my little CA tool running
 on my monochrome XT clone (Leading Edge Model D).

 The application currently interfaces to it via  #include's....

 I originally thought I might compile the applications 
 separately and link them in, but I found it better for the
 application to supply a structure definition for the individual
 cells, as a typedef 'CELL', which the CA program uses to define
 and manipulate the arrays.   Also, this way the application
 can customize the CA program with #defines, which can then be 
 used in conditionally compiling certain paths, which results
 in better run-time performance and smaller code than having to 
 check flags at runtime. 

 Currently the application supplies:

1.   an initialization routine, which may either be called on a
     per-cell basis or once for the whole array (or both).  

2.   An "action" routine, which the CA program calls once for 
     each cell being processed.   This implements the rules.

3.   A display routine which decides whether or what to draw 
     for each cell.

4.   Data information:  mostly, a definition of the cell, called
                        CELL, the SIZE of the universe, and
                        the number of generations to run.  The
                        appliaction may also #define conditions
                        here for customizing the CA program.

 The CA program allocates the necessary space.  It calls the 
 init routine(s).  It cycles through every cell in the universe
 for time T and calls the action routine.    

 [ A quick and dirty solution to the "collision" problem that 
   I raised earlier was suggested by one emailer who credits the, "'Wator'
   ecological simulation published long ago in Scientific American's
   Computer Recreations column".  Basically it involves resolving
   collisions on a first-come, first-served basis and minimizing
   order-dependent effects by processing the cells in *random* order.
   I accomplish this by creating a 1d array of size n, where n is
   the total number of cells in the "universe", containing the values
   0 thru n-1 in scrambled order.   This array is used as an index for 
   processing the cells in their arrays.     The disadvantages of this 
   approach are the added memory and processing overhead involved 
   and the the fact that it doesn't "really" solve the problem.
   Also random processing of arrays defeats many compiler optimizers
   out there.    Anyway, the cells are thus processed in random order.  ]

 After processing a generation it draws the results to the screen 
 using the application-supplied graphics rules.  It also copies 
 generation T_plus_1 to T and starts over.

 The CA program supplies a number of utilities to read the states
 of neighboring cells and to do the graphics.   By supplying functions
 for doing the graphics I can offer a simpler graphics interface to 
 the application than the one supplied by Zortech, and also make 
 the application less-dependent on the particular compiler's 
 graphics library.   I expect that I will eventually have a huge
 collection of CA applications and I don't want to have to rewrite
 them if I go to a different platform or compiler.
 I've written two applications so far: Life, and a Parity Rule 
 application.  They were very small and took minutes to write using this
 this interface.  

 What next: (besides getting a faster PC, with VGA display   8-)  )

    Graphics input:   I need an easy way to create starting patterns
                      instead of saying things like:
                         cell[32][34].state = 1;     <etc> 
                      ...maybe mouse support?

    File support:     Saving the state of a universe could be helpful 
                      on simulations that run for days, both to avoid 
                      starting 'from scratch'  after crashes or power
                      failures, and also so I can use the computer for
                      other things.

    Simple-cell support:  I designed my program for supporting fairly
                      complex definitions of cells, perhaps including     
                      floating point vectors and other state information.
                      So the *minimum* chunk of info per cell is a byte.
                      For many CA applications a bit or two is all that's
                      needed and a byte is the maximum (or more) on many
                      commercial CA's.  If I can find a *SIMPLE* way (for
                      the application interface) to support arrays of a
                      few bits per cell then I can support bigger universes.  

    Hard-copy:        I don't have any good way make hardcopies of my
                      hercules graphics screen.  (For you PC people, the 
                      *print screen* function doesn't work with Herc,
                      becuase Herc isn't supported on IBMs)  Being able
                      to convert the state of my universe to a standard
                      graphics file format would be helpful for printing it.

    Performance:      This doesn't exactly scream.  "Life" takes about
                      6 seconds to do one generation on a 110 X 110
                      wraparound grid ( on a 7Mhz 8088 ).   Probably 40%
                      of this is graphics bound since I can get a huge
                      speedup by only doing the graphics every nth generation.
                      Still, I think there are other opportunities for
                      efficiency in my program, as well.  The whole design
                      of this has favored simplicity and ease of application
                      writing over performance and I don't want to violate that.

    ( suggestions?   Since I've never used a commercial CA program
      I have no idea what they typically offer )

    The whole source is currently less than 200 lines long, including plenty
    of comments.   After I've cleaned it up and improved it I may be willing
    to post it if there is any interest.   
