[comp.theory.self-org-sys] Autocatalytic Sets

eiverson@nmsu.edu (Eric Iverson) (02/13/90)

I'm looking for papers on Autocatalytic Sets and other examples of
forming complex strings of constituents from a set of very primitive
strings.  Essentially what I'm trying to do is take a string of
elements, break it down into primitives, and then reassemble the
primitives until a stable state is reached.  I'm thinking of
introducing noise into the replication process, and would like the
strings to "evolve" somehow.

If anyone knows of any papers, or has any suggestions, I would be glad
to hear them.
Another Gruntpig production, in association with the Rat Lab Steamworks.

I want to kill everyone here with a cute colorful Hydrogen Bomb!!

-Zippy the Pinhead

wine@lanai.cs.ucla.edu (David Wine) (02/13/90)

I'd take a look at

   Eigen, M. (Manfred), 1927-
     The hypercycle, a principle of natural self-organization / M. Eigen, P.
   Schuster.  Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1979.

scp@acl.lanl.gov (Stephen C. Pope) (02/24/90)

on 12 Feb 90 21:48:48 GMT,
eiverson@nmsu.edu (Eric Iverson) said:

Eric> I'm looking for papers on Autocatalytic Sets and other examples of
Eric> forming complex strings of constituents from a set of very primitive
Eric> strings.  Essentially what I'm trying to do is take a string of
Eric> elements, break it down into primitives, and then reassemble the
Eric> primitives until a stable state is reached.  I'm thinking of
Eric> introducing noise into the replication process, and would like the
Eric> strings to "evolve" somehow.

Eric> If anyone knows of any papers, or has any suggestions, I would be glad
Eric> to hear them.

Check out the work of Farmer, Packard, Bagley, and Kauffman on
autocatalytic sets of proteins.  Here's some references to get
started with (I stole these out of the bibliography of C.G. Langton, Ed.
"Artificial Life." Addison-Wesley, 1989):

J.D. Farmer, S.A. Kauffman, and N.H. Packard. "Autocatalytic Replication
of Polymers."  Physica D, 22:50-67, 1986

S.A. Kauffman.  "autocatalytic Sets of Proteins."  J. Theor. Biol.,
119:1-24, 1986

Also look for Kauffman's upcoming book "Origins of Order: Self-
Organization and Selection in Evolution." Oxford University Press, Oxford

stephen pope
advanced computing lab, lanl