[comp.theory.self-org-sys] fuzzy logic - sources, information, ideas

dodgeT@batman.moravian.EDU (Asmodeus) (07/06/90)

	This is a querry into the subject of fuzzy logic, or fuzzy sets.
I am presently looking into this topic, and had access to the usual sources-
reader's guide (general and science indexes) a CD-ROM compillation of recent
info, and sundry other indexes.  There seems to be a dearth of information
on fuzzy logic, or else i happen to have a warped sense of it's importance, 
i don't know.  I ask for sources into the subject, similar areas
of research and figurehead researchers.  Any info at all will be appreciated.

 Timothy Dodge  Bernhardt 207 ,Box 134, Moravian College, Bethlehem PA 18018
 ------------  CSNET/INTERNET....dodgeT@moravian.edu         __________________ 
 |The keeper of|  UUCP......!rutgers!liberty!batman!dodgeT__| I would if i could
 |strange hours| In Bill Gates I trust |#include<chaos.h>|but i can't so i won't