[sci.edu] Departmental Student Advising Systems

kgamble@nyevax.CAS.ORST.EDU (Kevin Gamble) (06/09/89)

We've been thinking about writing a system for assisting us in undergraduate
advising at the departmental level. If we write something, more than likely
we will use Oracle and plan on using it in a network setting. However, are
wants are probably greater than our budget will allow. 

Before we start writing we would like to see if anyone has a system that 
they would consider sharing, or see if anyone has purchased a system that
they are really pleased with. Also, we wouldn't mind hearing from students
who's departments have such systems. What do they like, dislike, what features
are really important, etc. 

Any advice through the News or E-MAIL is really appreciated.
~~~~~~~~~ Kevin Gamble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~ Oregon State University ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~kgamble@cas.orst.edu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~