TAISHON@uwacdc.acs.washington.edu (derouter) (07/28/89)
The announcement concerns upcoming meetings of the Student Nanotechnology Study Group at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. We plan on having continuous monthly meetings held at the same time and the same location on the UW campus. The format of these meetings will be informal with a 5 or 10 minute presentation followed by general discussion of NT technological concepts (ie- we gonna bs 'bout NT :) It is hoped that these mmetings will provide a regular environment for free-flowing discussion on NT. They should also be able to provide a liaison to other NT-related activities in the area such as a Molecular-Modeling Group and a Nanocon planning committee. Our first monthly meeting will be held on Monday, July 31, 7pm in physics 321. If you are in the Seattle area, or will be in the future, and you would like info, you can communicate with me; TAISHON@UWACDC.CPAC.WASHINGTON.EDU SPIKE@MAX """""""""""""""""" SPIKE@BLAKE """""""""""""""""" Steve "Spike" Salkovics, humble moderator- Student NSG at the UW