[sci.nanotech] Molecular Biology and Computation Bibliography

thearlin@vdsvax.crd.ge.com (Thearling Kurt H) (08/18/89)

Here's a list of references for a combination of the fields
of Biology and Computation.  It includes refrecences on 
Molecular Computation, Computer-Aided Protein Design, Modeling
Biomolecules, and others.  Since my background is in 
computer science rather than biology, the biology does not
usually get too technically detailed.


Kurt Thearling                               1101 W. Springfield Avenue
University of Illinois                                Urbana, Il  61801
Coordinated Science Lab                          kurt@bach.csg.uiuc.edu 

    Biology and Computation (and vice-versa):  A List of References

R.M. Baer and H.M. Martinez
"Automata and Biology"
Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering, Vol. 3, 1974,  
pp. 255-291

V. Brendel and H.G. Busse
"Genome Structure Described by Formal Languages"
Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 12, Number 5, 1984, pp. 2561-2567

C. Burks and J.D. Farmer
"Towards Modeling DNA Sequences as Automata"
Physica 10D (1984), pp. 157-167

F.L. Carter
"Prospects for Computation at the Molecular Size Level"
Proceedings of the Spring 1984 COMPCON, pp. 110-114

F.L. Carter
"The Molecular Device Computer: Point of Departure for Large
Scale Cellular Automata"
Physica 10D (1984), pp. 175-194

G.J. Chaitin
"To a Mathematical Definition of 'Life'"
ACM SIGACT News, Jan. 1970, pp. 12-18

G.J. Chaitin
"Toward a Mathematical Definition of 'Life'"
in _The_Maximum_Entropy_Formalism_, ed. by R.D. Levine and M. Tribus,
MIT Press, 1979,  pp. 477-498

M. Conrad
"On Design Principles for a Molecular Computer"
Communications of the ACM, May 1985, pp. 464-480

M. Conrad
"Molecular Computer Design: A Synthetic Approach to Brain Theory"
in _Real_Brains_Artificial_Minds_, ed. by J.L. Casti and A. Karlqvist,
North-Holland, 1988(?)

M. Conrad
"The Lure of Molecular Computing"
IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 1986, pp. 55-60

W.F. DeGrado, Z.R. Wasserman, and J.D. Lear
"Protein Design, a Minimalist Approach"
Science, 3 Feb. 1989, pp. 622-243

C. DeLisi
"Computers in Molecular Biology: Current Applications and Emerging
Science, 1 April 1988, pp. 47-240

W. Ebeling, R. Feistel, and H. Herzel
"Dynamics and Complexity of Biomolecules"
Physica Scripta, Vol. 35, 1987, pp. 761-768

M. Eigen
"Macromolecular Evolution"
in _Emerging_Syntheses_in_Science_, ed. by D. Pines, Addison-Wesley,
1977, pp. 21-41

J.D. Farmer, S.A. Kaufman, N.H. Packard, and A.S. Perleson
"Adaptive Dynamic Networks as Models for the Immune System and
Autocatalytic Sets"
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 504, pp. 118-131

J.D. Farmer, S.A. Kaufman, and N.H. Packard
"Autocatalytic Replication of Polymers"
Physica 22D (1986), pp. 50-67

M.W. Feldman
"Evolutionary Theory of Genotypes and Phenotypes: Towards a
Mathematical Synthesis"
in _Emerging_Syntheses_in_Science_, ed. by D. Pines, Addison-Wesley,
1977, pp. 43-52

H. Frauenfelder
in _Emerging_Syntheses_in_Science_, ed. by D. Pines, Addison-Wesley,
1977, pp. 155-165

F. Frohlich
"The Linguistic Structure of the Chromosome Genetic Code and Language"
in _Synergetics:_A_Workshop_, ed. by H. Haken, Springer-Verlag, 1977,
pp. 267-274

E.F. Mallove
"Sequencing the Human Genome: Computers take a Leading Role"
Computers in Scince, Premiere Issue 1987, pp. 41-51

J.A. McCammon
"Computer-Aided Molecular Design"
Science, 23 Oct. 1987, pp. 486-491

J.R. Milch
"Computers Based on Molecular Implementations of Cellular Automata"
in _Molecular_Electronic_Devices_ (Proceedings of the 3rd
International Symposium on Molecular Electronic Devices),  ed. by
F.L. Carter, R. Siatkowski, and H. Wohltjen, North-Holland, 1986,
pp. 303-317

M. Radman and R. Wagner
"The High Fidelity of DNA Duplication"
Scientific American, Aug. 1988, pp. 40-46

A.C. Scott
"Solitons in Biological Molecules"
in _Emerging_Syntheses_in_Science_, ed. by D. Pines, Addison-Wesley,
1977, pp. 133-151

D.B. Searls
"Representing Genetic Information with Formal Grammars"
Proceedings of AAAI-88, 1988, pp. 386-391

J.B. Tucker
"Designing Molecules by Computer"
High Technology, Jan. 1984, pp. 52-59

J.B. Tucker
"Biochips: Can Molecules Compute"
High Technology, Feb. 1984, pp. 36-47

J.B. Tucker
"Gene Machines: The Second Wave"
High Technology, Mar. 1984, pp. 50-59

J.B. Tucker
"Proteins to Order"
High Technology, Dec. 1985, pp. 26-44

K.M. Ulmer
"Protein Engineering"
Science, 11 Feb. 1983, pp. 666-671

L.V. Yakushevich
"Nonlinear DNA Dynamics: A New Model"
Physics Letters A, 17 April 1989, pp. 413-417

                       End of Reference List