[sci.nanotech] NSG notice..

TAISHON@uwacdc.acs.washington.edu (derouter) (09/29/89)

   For those of you in the Seattle, WA area, there is going to be
a meeting of the student Nanotechnology Study Group on the UW campus.
The meeting is scheduled for 7pm in Physics 320 on monday, Oct.2.
   The topic will be "An Overview of Nanotechnology" by Dr.
John Cramer.
   This meeting is the first of a string of fall monthly meetings.
The topics of our next meetings (falling on the first Monday
of every month) will be;

   Nov.- A Review of the Foresight Conference (by attendees from Seattle)
   Dec.- Molecular Modeling
   Jan.- The Scanning Tunneling Pathway

I am wiling to give anyone a report of the NSG activities of the
Seattle area who sends me mail.

   Spike, humble moderator of the SNSG at the UW