aboulang@bbn.com (Albert Boulanger) (12/20/89)
First one was on using a STM to create an atomic size diode - "A Small, Small, Very Small Diode" Science, 8 December 1989. Page 1251 Second one was on using the self-organizing capabilities of Microtubles in cytoskeleton (tubilin) to create interesting structure - like the BZ reaction: "Spatial Patterns from Oscillating Microtubules" Eckhard Mandelkow, et al, Science, 8 December 1989, 1291-1293. This is the first example that I know of where people have actually studied self-organizing Belousov-Zhabotinskii-like structure dynamics. Morphogenesis of biological structure via linear diffusions was studied by Turing, and there have been a lot of high-level discussion of morphogenesis by nonlinear (dissipative in Prigogene eyes) mechanisms, but none with actual mechanisms (as far as I know). This is a good first. More bottom-up approaches to nanotechnology!