[sci.nanotech] Items from Science News

josh@cs.rutgers.edu (03/01/90)

Feb 17: p.103: Computronium -- Toffoli and Margolus announce CAM-8
		at Artificial Life Conf.
        p.110: An intracellular computer-The cytoskeleton, a web of
		protein filaments inside each neuron, appears to
		be doing molecular-level processing in aid of the
		neuron's activities.
Feb. 24: p.137:  Micromechanical computer, or more precisely elements
		 of same, were unveiled at IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical
		 Systems Workshop.  Stated goal of operating in high-
		 radiation or similar environments.
         p.125: Protein folding may be easier than thought, it seems that
		many sequences give you the same shape. See Dill & Lau,
		proc N.Acad.Sci, V87#2.
