[sci.nanotech] FI Update 9 part 4 of 8

josh@cs.rutgers.edu (08/09/90)

Viewpoint: Debating Nanotechnology
by David M. Berube

In 1986, I was a member of the faculty at Trinity University in Texas
directing their intercollegiate debate program. One day, Timothy
Wilkins, a student debater, returned from the library with a new book,
Engines of Creation. He showed it to me, and left with it for his dorm
room. The next day, he stormed into my office and demanded I read it
at once. I did and during the next eight months, we introduced the
subjects discussed in Engines into competitive debate, and ever since
that day nanotechnology has become an area of contention in hundreds,
if not thousands, of debate rounds across the nation.

Competitive debate is a laboratory for instruction in public speaking
and argumentation. On every competitive level, this lab features a
series of speeches which center on an agreed-upon resolution or topic.
These topics mainly encompass issues which examine the causes and
consequences of government policies which attempt to address grievous
phenomena: megaissues like the greenhouse effect, resource depletion,
hunger and overpopulation, medical care, nuclear proliferation, and so

When Chris Peterson asked me to write this short piece, she said she
gets many calls from debaters and wants to know how debate has used
information on nanotechnology.  The answer to her question is Engines
seemed to have been written for debaters. Assuredly that was not the
case, yet the interface between the way megaissues were discussed in
Engines and how the same issues are debated was and still is

There are three reasons why Engines has been so popular in debate.
First, in debate, rationalistic discussions are rewarded over
incremental ones. For that matter, debate may be premised on the
failure of incremental problem solving. In debate, we tend to examine
problems macroscopically, and the most successful arguments are from
visionaries who reason beyond our current experience. For example,
when a debater pleas for food assistance for underdeveloped countries
to relieve malnutrition, the knee jerk reaction from a competitor
would be to argue that hunger and starvation are a necessary
population check: Malthus is right. When a debater demands increased
personal freedoms, her opponent will argue liberty begets misguided
consumption and profiteering which doom our ecosystem. In debate, for
every benefit, there is a greater or lesser harm, and it is this
sparring which is the force driving controversy in debate.

From Engines, Tim and I initially discovered a way to resolve the
megaissue that carbon dioxide concentrations were feeding global
warming.  Conventional counterargumentation claiming warming was
beneficial was, and still is, inane: rising mean temperatures
increasing the amount of arable land in one location is grossly
outweighed by desertification and flooding elsewhere. This issue was
difficult to mitigate in an argument; it seemed inevitable and
significant. However, when Engines considered how replicating
assemblers could remove carbon dioxide and reduce the need for fossil
fuels, we began to argue that clean-up could halt the oncoming
disaster while simultaneously reducing our reliance on fossil fuels
which also poisoned our air and streams in addition to its
greenhousing effect. While our opponents could only advocate ways to
slow the accumulation of dangerous levels of CO2 in the atmosphere
(incrementalism), we responded with assemblers that could reduce CO2
and mitigate its primary causes forever (rationalism).

Soon after Hapgood's essay appeared reminding us of the "grey
goo" scenario, on-point debating on the merits of nanotechnology
began to occur, but by then, the spring of 1987, I relocated to the
University of Vermont.

During the summer of 1987, I lectured to a group of high school
debaters at a workshop at UVM about nanotechnology and its utility as
a strategy in megaissue debating.  These students returned to their
hometowns in August and for the next few months, my office became
inundated with requests for more information about "all this
nanostuff." I responded: "Read Engines and call FI." I guess
they did.

This brings me to a second reason why the principles of nanotechnology
discussed in the book have become so popular in competitive debate: It
examines problems by reworking the causes from the bottom-up; it
reexamined fundamental premises which have made many of the world's
megaissues impossible to solve.

Debaters have always been intrigued with the systemic causes of
problems, consequently Engines fascinated them. Engines mooted the
conception of technology as large metal beasts spewing black smoke and
klaxing deafening dins when it discussed a tool which could enhance a
person's skills and powers and did not turn her into a mechanical
slave; it liberated and did so eco-synergistically.  Engines mooted
bureaucratic myopia favoring immediate payoff solutions when it
entertained a consciousness shift premised upon foresight and the
creative application of science. Debaters found that Engines was
profound in its worldview.

My third and final reason: Engines was readable by everyone and only
misunderstandable by those who refused to open their minds, who were
not, as Maslow said, being-cognitive.  Nanotechnology was different,
if not bizarre--tiny machines building offspring and tools--but it
was fathomable. More importantly, its explicative style reads as
easily as fiction. High school students and undergraduates found in
Engines a wonderfully fantastic discussion of technology, a story
which was never intimidating in its presuppositions.

I have judged hundreds of academic debates, and have heard many in
which nanotechnology was an issue: active shields as an SDI
alternative, hypertext to wrest power from ideologically tainted
publishing houses, assemblers to repair cells and makes viruses
benign, to mine asteroids and fabricate space colonies, to clean air
and water pollution including toxic and radioactive wastes and
substitute energy sources which would not hold our environment hostage
to our obsessive need to grow, to reduce the ravages of aging, to
produce inexhaustible food supplies, to spread wealth, and, most
often, to enable us to evade the entropic nightmare painted by Jeremy
Rifkin and others.

More recently, on the last weekend in March 1990, two groups of
intercollegiate debaters held national championships and, at both,
nanotechnology was hailed as a way to insure balanced economic growth
to maintain a competitive posture in the world's markets and to
reduce overdependence on fossil fuels.

As long as debate topics address "megaissues," nanotechnology
will be an issue. Thanks to the increasing number of publications
featuring articles on nanotechnology, the debates are becoming more
and more sophisticated.

These debaters, young men and women, will be tomorrow's leaders and
it's somewhat heartening to know that when they design remedies for
some of the problems confronting society in the 21st century,
nanotechnology will, at least, receive a serious and fair discursive

(David M. Berube is an Assistant Professor of Speech at the University
of South Carolina, Columbia, and author of many articles on
argumentation, logic, and philosophy.)