[sci.nanotech] Seeking biblio on nanodevice work done

yackob@eeserv.ee.umanitoba.ca (Kerry Yackoboski) (03/25/91)

	Would anyone with an online bibliography of papers concerning
work done in the field of "nanometre scale devices" be kind enough to
share it with me?  I am particularly interested in the use of STM and
AFM in the design of Feynman machines, transistors, vibration sensors, etc.
I'm in a bit of a hurry and our news feed is pretty lousy, so email is
preferred.  I can post a summary if requested, or if you'd really rather
post I'll eventually see it.

Kerry Yackoboski 	<yackob@eeserv.ee.umanitoba.ca>
The Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Laboratory in the Cellar
U of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

[There is a bibliography, although sorely in need of updating, on the
 nanotech archive directory on planchet.rutgers.edu.