[sci.nanotech] Nanotechnology for hs students

TURBOTECH@applelink.apple.com (Turbo Tech Int'l, Dave Kliman,PRT) (06/07/91)

Hi, Nanotechniks!
I've been asked to speak for 6 hours about Nanotechnology at Cooper Union High
School this fall.  The people who invited me would like me to get the 10-12th
graders to do some kind of project that relates to Nanotechnology in some way
to perhaps get them interested in pursuing Nanotechnology as a field of study.
I am no scientist, but you could say that I enjoy evangelizing Nanotechnology.
I would appreciate any suggestions for the talk.
Also, I've found that lay-people aren't too interested in the subject of
"Nanotechnology" unless it is introduced as something like "Nanometer Scale
Device Engineering" or perhaps "Angstrom Scale Engineering"... Maybe the word
"Nanotechnology" isn't best for getting the average person to take a look.
-Dave Kliman
(516) 877-7777
FAX: (516) 877-0146