07480JLN@MSU.BITNET (02/12/91)
Hi networlders! I am looking for public domain fortran source code for self-consistent field calculations, and various other topics pertaining to compuational chemistry/physics. FTP sites are preferable (I need IP numbers!) Also, I am looking for netted discussions of such programs/applications etc. If you even have faint memories of such things, I would appreciate learning of it, so that I may track it down. Of greatest interest are Herman-Skillman type programs. If there is sufficient response, I will summarize to the net. Thanks! Joe Landman: Theoretical Physics Graduate Student, Wayne State University (talking via MSU) BITNET: 07480jln@msu.bitnet eduNET: landman@msupa.pa.msu.edu or user=zv50@wayne.mts.um.edu (unsure if this works) SnailNet: 666 Hancock Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202 ATT_NET: (313)-577-2752 office