[sci.chem] Neuroscience newsgroup anywhere?

lfk@eastman1.mit.edu (Lee F. Kolakowski) (03/06/91)

On 6 Mar 91 09:41:55 GMT,
ian@ariel.ucs.unimelb.edu.au (Ian Musgrave) said:

> As another interested neuroscientist, I would also support the formation
> of a Neuroscience newsgroup. How do you go about this, i.e. where should
> a call for votes go.

To answer this question, here is the notice from 
Dave (The Bionet.* megamoderator):
> From kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET Wed Mar  6 08:37:09 1991
> From: kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson)
> Newsgroups: bionet.general
> Subject: Call for Votes - proposed NEUROSCI group
> Date: 5 Mar 91 22:47:50 GMT
> We have another proposal for a new group along with a person who has
> volunteered as discussion leader, so I am putting out the call for
> votes once again.  This newsgroup would be for the Neurosciences and
> would involve the following:
>       It is herein proposed that a newsgroup be created for the
>    exchange of scientific ideas under the multi-disciplinary rubric of
>    neuroscience.  The group, while welcoming and encouraging the
>    participation of computer scientists, will not focus on artificial
>    intelligence or neural nets, as there are newsgroups already on the
>    Usenet dedicated to these topics.  Rather, scientists such as
>    physiologists, computational neuroscientists, molecular biologists,
>    and behavioral scientists would be encouraged to interact through this
>    medium to discuss the function, evolution, and structure of biologic
>    nervous systems.  It would also be a place for researchers to sound
>    out novel theories and to facilitate collaborations.  Discussions of
>    abstracts would be appropriate.  It is recognized that neuroscientists
>    tend to be computer literate to an extent that would suggest a
>    justifiable volume for newsgroup creation.
> If you are in favor of the creation of such a newsgroup, please send a
> one line message saying
> to one of the following addresses before 4 May 1991.  If at least 40
> responses are received before that time we will create the newsgroup.
> Address					Location	Network
> -------					--------	-------
> biovote@irlearn.ucd.ie			Ireland		EARN/BITNET
> biovote@uk.ac.daresbury			U.K.		JANET
> biovote@bmc.uu.se			Sweden		Internet
> biovote@genbank.bio.net			U.S.A. 		Internet/BITNET
> 				Sincerely,
> 				Dave Kristofferson
> 				GenBank Manager
> 				kristoff@genbank.bio.net
> P.S. - For those of you wondering about the status of the other
> recently approved newsgroups, I will touch on that in my next message.

Hope this helps


Frank Kolakowski

|lfk@athena.mit.edu or lfk@eastman1.mit.edu or kolakowski@wccf.mit.edu|
| Lee F. Kolakowski                 M.I.T.                            |
| Dept of Chemistry                 Room 18-506                       |
| 77 Massachusetts Ave.             Cambridge, MA 02139               |
| AT&T:  1-617-253-1866             #include <disclaimer.h>           |
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