[sci.chem] European Crystallographic Meeting, Ljubljana, 25-30 August

flack@sc2a.unige.ch (03/06/91)

                                 ECM 13

            Thirteenth European Crystallographic Meeting
             Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 25 - 30 August 1991


   1. Fundamental Crystallography
   2. Crystallographic Methods and Instrumentation
   3. Structure and Reactivity and Chemical Crystallography
   4. Biocrystallography
       4.1  Macromolecules
       4.2  Biologically Active Small Molecules
   5. Crystallography of Condensed Matter and Properties
   6. Crystallography in Industry


   R. Huber       - Macromolecular Crystallography at the Intersection of 
                    Physics, Chemistry and Biology
   B. Zeks        - Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals - a Liquid Analogue of 
                    Incommensurate Crystals
   P.M. Zorky     - Topology of Molecular Crystals
   R. Vincent     - Advances in Structure Determination by Convergent Beam 
                    Electron Diffraction
   G. Allegra     - Size, Strain Statistics and Diffraction Profiles in 
                    Polycrystalline Samples
   P. Murray-Rust - Protein Crystallography and Medicinal Chemistry


   1.  Progress in Crystallographic Statistics
   2.  Structural Trends in Transition Metal Complexes
   3.  Liquid Crystals
   4.  New Applications of Diffraction Methods
   5.  Drug-macromolecule Interactions
   6.  Inclusion Compounds
   7.  Progress in High Resolution Electron Microscopy
   8.  Mathematical Crystallography
   9.  Computing Crystallography
  10.  Phase Transitions
  11.  Crystallography in Industry
  12.  Crystal Growth



      Biomolecular Structures and Dynamics, Portoroz, 31st. August - 2nd. Sept.

      Crystalline Structures and Defects in Ceramics, Ljubljana, 2nd.-4th. Sept.
      Synchrotron Radiation in Crystallography, Trieste, 2nd.-3rd. Sept.

      International Conference on Modulated Structures, Polytypes and 
       Quasicrystals, Balatonszeplak, 20 - 24th. August.


    For Abstracts    - 15th. April 1991
    For Registration - 15th. June  1991


 For Contributions and Registration:
     Cankarjev Dom (for ECM-13)
     Cultural and Congress Centre
     Kidricev Park 1
     YU-61000 Ljubljana
     Phone: [+[38] 61] 21 09 56
     Fax:   [+[38] 61] 21 74 31

 For Programme Committee Chairman:
     Prof. D. Grdenic
     Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
     University of Zagreb
     P.O. Box 153
     YU-41001 Zagreb
     Phone: [+[38] 41] 43 25 26
     E-mail: milan.sikirica.@irb.ac.mail.yu

 For Organizing Committee Chairman:
     Prof. L. Golic
     Department of Chemistry
     University of Ljubljana
     PO Box 537
     YU-61001 Ljubljana
     Phone: [+[38] 61] 21 44 44
     Fax:   [+[38] 61] 22 43 12
     E-mail: golic@uni-lj.ac.mail.yu

   H. D. Flack  - Secretary of the European Crystallographic Committee

   Laboratoire de Cristallographie       !  Telephone     [+[41] 22] 702 62 49
   University of Geneva                  !  Telefax       [+[41] 22] 781 21 92
   24 quai Ernest-Ansermet               !  Telex         ch-42 11 59 siad
   CH-1211 Geneve 4                      !  e-mail        flack@sc2a.unige.ch
   Switzerland                           !