ebstokes@maxwell.crd.ge.com (03/31/91)
I am interested in finding out if there exist alternative definitions of "optical density" in different disciplines. That is, does a physicist mean the same thing as a biologist when she says "optical density". I'll start by stating what I mean when I say "optical density". If a beam of light has an initial intensity I0 (in watts, for example, or watts/(unit area)), and then the beam passes through a medium of optical density 'od', then the intensity of the beam of light after passing through the medium is: I = I0 * 10^(-od) (1) Taking the base ten logarithm of equation (1) then yields an expression for 'od' in terms of I/I0: od = -log(I/I0) (2) I am, for the record, a physicist. Ed Stokes ebstokes@crd.ge.com