(Brad Miller) (11/15/89)
****************************************************************************** NAME/VERSION: RHET 16.54 PRESENT STATUS: Experimental (Released / Supported RESEARCH software) [COST]: $150. CONTACT: Peg Meeker ( Computer Science Department University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 (Technical): Brad Miller ( AVAILABILITY: Noncommercial; Sources included plus relevant TRs. Also included: TIMELOGIC, TEMPOS (time reasoning subsystem) RPRS (Plan Recognition / System Demo) Supplied on: Symbolics Distribution format Cart Tape or Symbolics Carry-Tape format Cart (suitable for Explorers) 1/2" 1600bpi reel TAR format. [INTENDED USERS]: AI Programmers / researchers in KR / NL. [DOMAIN/CATEGORY(IES)]: General KR research; NL; Planning and Plan Recognition REPRESENTATION FORMALISMS (3 items, 6 lines): . Frames with CONTEXTUAL equality, arbitrary constraints between roles. . BC / FC Horn Clauses extended with E-Unification and contextual capabilities. . Constraints on (typed) variables BASE LANGUAGE: Common Lisp OS/HARDWARE: Symbolics Genera 7.2; TI Explorer 4.1 [SYSTEM INTERFACES]: Bidirectional to Common-Lisp [USER INTERFACES]: Symbolics style window interface [SHORT DESCRIPTION (15 lines)]: This is a Knowledge Representation system based on concepts proved with HORNE. It includes 2 major modes for representing knowledge (as Horn Clauses or as frames), which are interchangable; a type subsystem for typed and type restricted objects (including variables); E-unification; negation; forward and backward chaining; complete proofs (prove, disprove, find the KB inconsistent, or claim a goal is neither provable nor disprovable); contextual reasoning; truth maintenance; intelligent backtracking; full LISP compatibility (can call or be called by lisp); upward compatible with HORNE; Allen & Koomen's TEMPOS time interval reasoning subsystem; frames have KL-1 type features, plus arbitrary predicate restrictions on slots within a frame as well as default values for slots; separate subsystem providing advanced user-interface facilities and ZMACS interface on the lispms. [COMPATIBILITY]: None [EFFICIENCY]: e-unification is very fast, though adding new equalities (contextually) isn't. If all you want is PROLOG, a decent PROLOG compiler will be about 100x faster than (interpreted) RHET. [NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS]: <5 [APPLICATIONS (3 items, 12 lines)]: Nothing substantial; Plan Recognition system (RPRS) is sent with RHET as a sample application. [FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS]: Generalization of the context trees to DAGs allowing a more complex view of Beliefs (and other modal operators) to be implemented. Incremental Compilation taking advantage of system's Intelligent Backtracking. Allowing equality to trigger forward chaining. Goal Caching [RELATED WORK]: HORNE / PROLOG / KL1 [REFERENCES (3 items)]: @techreport{Rhet:UG, Author = "Allen, James F. and Miller, Bradford W.", Title = "The Rhetorical Knowledge Representation System: A User's Guide", Institution = URCS, Number = "238 (rerevised)", Month = Mar, Year = 1989} @techreport{RPRS, Author = "Miller, Bradford W.", Title = "The RHET Plan Recognition System", Institution = URCS, Number = 298, Month = Nov, Year = 1989} ******************************************************************************