****************************************************************************** NAME/VERSION: KEN 1.6 PRESENT STATUS: Product [COST]: CONTACT: ABB CADE AG, Brisgi, CH-5400 Baden, Switzerland AVAILABILITY: unrestricted (product) [INTENDED USERS]: 1st stage: knowledge engineers, AI programmers 2nd stage: end users [DOMAIN/CATEGORY(IES)]: electrical/mechanical engineering: configuration REPRESENTATION FORMALISMS (3 items, 6 lines): Frames & Slots, Variety of Standard Facets, Demons (Triggers) formulated in a Macro language BASE LANGUAGE: COMMON LISP OS/HARDWARE: VAX/VMS, IBM 6250/AIX, Apollo/Unix, PC/MsDOS [SYSTEM INTERFACES]: Oracle (in work) [USER INTERFACES]: self adapting tabular forms, menu-driven interaction, object-oriented graphics toolkit [SHORT DESCRIPTION (15 lines)]: Special Features: Integrated truth maintenance system (called RMS) for non-monotonic reasoning, keeping book of fired demons, and resol- ving contradictions. Ongoing work on extending it to a so-called Relation Maintenance System, an RMS based on relations. [COMPATIBILITY]: [EFFICIENCY]: Runs reasonable on PCs as well as on VAXStation 3xxx. Knowledge Base can be compiled. [NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS]: I don't know, please ask the contact adress above (they have no Usenet access). [APPLICATIONS (3 items, 12 lines)]: Configuration of communication devices (Ascom Radiocom AG, Turgi, Switzerland), Configuration of air conditioners in textile manufacturing (Luwa, Zuerich, Switzerland) Electrical Engineering (ABB Mannheim, D) [FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS]: Integration of Databases, Relational Reason Maintenance System, High level rule language [RELATED WORK]: [REFERENCES (3 items)]: Vitins M.: A Prototype Expert System for Configuring Technical Systems. In Kriz J. (ed.): Proc. of Int'l. Workshop on Konwledge-Based Systems in Industry, ABB Research Centre, Baden (Switzerland), 1986. Vitins M.: KEN - Eine Expertensystem-Umgebung fuer die Konfiguration technischer Systeme. SEV-Bulletin No. 3/1989, Schweiz. elektrotechnischer Verein, Zuerich, 1989. Baertschi M., Rehm de Carvalho Dias P.: A Frame- Based Expert System for the Configuration of Communication Devices, in Liebowitz J. (ed.): Proc. of 1st Expert Systems Applications World Conference, EXPERSYS '89, Technology Transfer Series, IITT-International, Paris, 1989. ******************************************************************************