[comp.ai.shells] Survey of ES Shells: MeriTool

mrowe@snow-white.merit-tech.com (12/09/89)


NAME/VERSION: MeriTool(tm) C version 2.01 and Ada version 1.0

PRESENT STATUS: supported product

[COST]:  Varies as a function of target platform.  Educational discounts 
         are available.

         Merit Technology Inc
         5068 W. Plano Parkway
         Plano, Texas  75093
         phone (214) 248-2502
         email mrowe@snow-white.merit-tech.com

AVAILABILITY: for license: distributed on floppies or tape.

[INTENDED USERS]: software engineers


   - Objects with Attributes.  Attributes have Values (and optionally)
     Confidence Factors.
   - Rules that permit forward and backward chaining inference using a
     supplied conflict resolution strategies (to enforce firing order).
   - User written functions (C, Ada, Fortran, ...) may be called from the
     premise or conclusion of a rule to supply or modify attribute values.
BASE LANGUAGE: C and Ada versions are currently available.

OS/HARDWARE:   MS-Dos/ PC with 256KBytes.  [also SUNs, Silicon Graphics, 
               HP-9000s, VAXen]

   MeriTool is structured as a set of library routines (tool kit) that can
   be linked into a user's application written in C or Ada.  User may compose
   the rule set using their favorite ASCII editor (like emacs or vi) or the
   syntax sensitive MeriTool Editor.

   Any package that can be called from the application source language can
   be interfaced.

[SHORT DESCRIPTION (15 lines)]: 
   MeriTool is an extension to a programming language. It features:
   - High speed performance (Monkeys & Bananas benchmark 0.11sec on 8MHz AT)
   - Embeddable, modular functionality
   - Both C and Ada versions are available on computers including:
     Sun 3s, HP-9000s, Silicon Graphics, compatible PCs/ATs, and VAXen
   - English like rule language based on object-attribute-value relationships
   - Forward and Backward chaining inference
   - Simple, extensible explanation capabilities,
   - Easy-to-implement and efficient user function calls to (Ada, C, Fortran)
     and databases.
   - Very efficient internal knowledge representation (hundreds of rules and
     object instantiations on a 640KByte PC).  
   - Rule set debug facilities include step-by-step tracing of rule
     satisfactions, rule firings, and object-attribute-value changes.

[COMPATIBILITY]: we have written custom (one shot) rule set translators.

[EFFICIENCY]: MeriTool, as a tool kit, incorporates only the features that
   are used into its run-time executable.  This provides for both speed and
   memory efficiencies.  Monkey's & Bananas executes in 128KBytes in 0.11
   seconds on a 8Mhz MS-Dos compatible AT.  (additional memory was needed 
   to support an editor).
   We would like to hear about any standard rule sets that are available to
   benchmark -- it seems like most rule sets are either toys or proprietary.


[APPLICATIONS (3 items, 12 lines)]: 
 STRC: USAF B-52 and B-1 Strategic Bomber Test Range.  MeriTool analyzes air-
   crew mission performance on simulated bombing runs and their reactions 
   to various simulated ground based threats.  MeriTool then prepares and 
   presents a debriefing (including tutorials on weak points) for the crew.
 PACMA: MeriTool analyzes incoming messages for content, syntax, and clarity
   for a government agency.  When errors are correct, the MeriTool rule set 
   attempts to correct them.
 TACTICAL PILOT MODEL:  Merit has developed an inference-based tactical pilot
   model which handles aircraft flight, sensor, and weapons controls.  The
   model has been used to provide threat evaluation information and response
   recommendations to a pilot and to control a very large number (100s) of
   aircraft in realistic scenarios.

   - A parallel version has been developed and is under test for the BBN
     Butterfly Plus parallel computer.
   - We have had generally good results porting MeriTool to computers/OS
     that support a fully implemented C or Ada environment.
   - Speed mods as they are discovered.
   - 1750 and GVHSIC versions are planned.
   - Enhanced user interface.

[RELATED WORK]: OPS (modified Rete based inference)

[REFERENCES (3 items)]: 
   SYSTEMS, AiDA: Artificial Intelligence and Ada Conference, November 1989.

- Labhart, Rowe, Bechtel, Jesson and Matney,  PIPER: A PARALLEL INFERENCE
   ENGINE FOR THE BUTTERFLY MULTI-COMPUTER, American Institute of Aeronautics
   and Astronautics Annual Computers in Aerospace Conference VII, May 1989.

- Sipps, Watkins, Ziegler, Jernigan and Bechtel,  INTELLIGENT MISSION 
   PLANNING, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Annual 
   Computers in Aerospace Conference VII, May 1989.
