****************************************************************************** NAME/VERSION: MeriTool(tm) C version 2.01 and Ada version 1.0 PRESENT STATUS: supported product [COST]: Varies as a function of target platform. Educational discounts are available. CONTACT: Merit Technology Inc 5068 W. Plano Parkway Plano, Texas 75093 phone (214) 248-2502 email AVAILABILITY: for license: distributed on floppies or tape. [INTENDED USERS]: software engineers [DOMAIN/CATEGORY(IES)]: flexible REPRESENTATION FORMALISMS (3 items, 6 lines): - Objects with Attributes. Attributes have Values (and optionally) Confidence Factors. - Rules that permit forward and backward chaining inference using a supplied conflict resolution strategies (to enforce firing order). - User written functions (C, Ada, Fortran, ...) may be called from the premise or conclusion of a rule to supply or modify attribute values. BASE LANGUAGE: C and Ada versions are currently available. OS/HARDWARE: MS-Dos/ PC with 256KBytes. [also SUNs, Silicon Graphics, HP-9000s, VAXen] [SYSTEM INTERFACES]: MeriTool is structured as a set of library routines (tool kit) that can be linked into a user's application written in C or Ada. User may compose the rule set using their favorite ASCII editor (like emacs or vi) or the syntax sensitive MeriTool Editor. [USER INTERFACES]: Any package that can be called from the application source language can be interfaced. [SHORT DESCRIPTION (15 lines)]: MeriTool is an extension to a programming language. It features: - High speed performance (Monkeys & Bananas benchmark 0.11sec on 8MHz AT) - Embeddable, modular functionality - Both C and Ada versions are available on computers including: Sun 3s, HP-9000s, Silicon Graphics, compatible PCs/ATs, and VAXen - English like rule language based on object-attribute-value relationships - Forward and Backward chaining inference - Simple, extensible explanation capabilities, - Easy-to-implement and efficient user function calls to (Ada, C, Fortran) and databases. - Very efficient internal knowledge representation (hundreds of rules and object instantiations on a 640KByte PC). - Rule set debug facilities include step-by-step tracing of rule satisfactions, rule firings, and object-attribute-value changes. [COMPATIBILITY]: we have written custom (one shot) rule set translators. [EFFICIENCY]: MeriTool, as a tool kit, incorporates only the features that are used into its run-time executable. This provides for both speed and memory efficiencies. Monkey's & Bananas executes in 128KBytes in 0.11 seconds on a 8Mhz MS-Dos compatible AT. (additional memory was needed to support an editor). We would like to hear about any standard rule sets that are available to benchmark -- it seems like most rule sets are either toys or proprietary. [NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS]: > 25 [APPLICATIONS (3 items, 12 lines)]: STRC: USAF B-52 and B-1 Strategic Bomber Test Range. MeriTool analyzes air- crew mission performance on simulated bombing runs and their reactions to various simulated ground based threats. MeriTool then prepares and presents a debriefing (including tutorials on weak points) for the crew. PACMA: MeriTool analyzes incoming messages for content, syntax, and clarity for a government agency. When errors are correct, the MeriTool rule set attempts to correct them. TACTICAL PILOT MODEL: Merit has developed an inference-based tactical pilot model which handles aircraft flight, sensor, and weapons controls. The model has been used to provide threat evaluation information and response recommendations to a pilot and to control a very large number (100s) of aircraft in realistic scenarios. [FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS]: - A parallel version has been developed and is under test for the BBN Butterfly Plus parallel computer. - We have had generally good results porting MeriTool to computers/OS that support a fully implemented C or Ada environment. - Speed mods as they are discovered. - 1750 and GVHSIC versions are planned. - Enhanced user interface. [RELATED WORK]: OPS (modified Rete based inference) [REFERENCES (3 items)]: - Labhart and Williams, ADA MERITOOL: A SOFTWARE TOOL FOR KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, AiDA: Artificial Intelligence and Ada Conference, November 1989. - Labhart, Rowe, Bechtel, Jesson and Matney, PIPER: A PARALLEL INFERENCE ENGINE FOR THE BUTTERFLY MULTI-COMPUTER, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Annual Computers in Aerospace Conference VII, May 1989. - Sipps, Watkins, Ziegler, Jernigan and Bechtel, INTELLIGENT MISSION PLANNING, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Annual Computers in Aerospace Conference VII, May 1989. ******************************************************************************