(Manfred Meyer) (12/11/89)
****************************************************************************** NAME/VERSION: LL-Shell / 8-89 PRESENT STATUS: experimental [COST]: free CONTACT: Manfred Meyer Universitaet Kaiserslautern FB Informatik AG Prof. Richter D-6750 Kaiserslautern West Germany e-mail: AVAILABILITY: for non-commercial use only, tape or 5 1/4" floppy disk (tar-format) [INTENDED USERS]: Students in expert system laboratory courses; AI programmers [DOMAIN/CATEGORY(IES)]: Domain- and category-independent REPRESENTATION FORMALISMS (3 items, 6 lines): o production rules (forward chaining), o horn clauses (backward chaining) <=> restricted PROLOG integrated with LISP o frame-structured working memory with multiple inheritance and demons BASE LANGUAGE: Lucid COMMON LISP OS/HARDWARE: Unix / any system supporting Lucid COMMON LISP with Window Toolkit [SYSTEM INTERFACES]: Depending on COMMON LISP-supported system interfaces, full use of COMMON LISP [USER INTERFACES]: Windows/Menus/Mouse-based user interface, line-oriented toplevel for simple ttys also supported [SHORT DESCRIPTION (15 lines)]: LL-Shell is a hybrid expert system development environment based on a functional/logical language. The user may choose between different knowledge representation formalisms to get the appropriate one for each (sub)problem: Besides the integration with COMMON LISP, LL-Shell provides a multiple-inheritance 'frame' system, OPS5-like forward rules and a backward (PROLOG) rule interpreter. All these representation formalisms may be mixed together, so rules can be activated by accessing frames and can modify frame instances themselves. Moreover, LL-Shell provides some more tools for debugging, explanation, and user interface design. [COMPATIBILITY]: [EFFICIENCY]: relatively low [NUMBER OF INSTALLATIONS]: > 3 [APPLICATIONS (3 items, 12 lines)]: Applications developed in the Expert System Laboratory Course include: o Fault diagnosis of an Otto Motor o Configuration of a Racing Bicycle and a HiFi Set o A Consulting System for the Computer Science Curriculum. [FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS]: [RELATED WORK]: LL-Shell is based on the LISP-/PROLOG-Integration LispLog developed at the University of Kaiserslautern (cf. [1]). [REFERENCES (3 items)]: [1] H. Boley (ed.). A bird's-eye view of LISPLOG: The LISP-/PROLOG- Integration with initial-cut tools. SEKI Working Paper SWP-86-10, 3rd edition, Univ. Kaiserslautern, FB Informatik, 1987 [2] R. Rehbold, M. Richter, P. Spieker. Concepts and Tools for Teaching Expert Systems. To appear in: Int. Journal of Applied Engineering Education, 1990 [3] A. Bernardi, G. Kamp, M. Meyer, R. Rehbold, P. Spieker. LL-Shell Reference Manual (in German). Univ. Kaiserslautern, FB Informatik, 1989 ******************************************************************************