(James K. McDowell) (10/12/90)
Does anyone have any experience with Intellicorp's new
Kappa and ProKappa products? impressions, opinions etc.
Please post here (
thanx in advance.
>>> Jim.
James K. McDowell.
Laboratory for AI Research.
Chemical Engineering Department.
The Ohio State University.
140 West 19th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-4944 (Teresa L. Hollidge) (10/18/90)
I'm currently working on a fairly substantial system which I am building in Kappa. I'm not exactly sure what sort of information you're looking for with regards to either product. So I'll just give you a quick line about each and if that's not enough then send me some e-mail. ProKappa I haven't used it but I've seen a demo. We're in the process of trying to get an evaluation copy, the intent being to see if it fits our needs for a very large project. From what I've seen, it looks slick and well put together. How well it performs is something I can't answer. Gut impression is that it's a lot like KEE or ART (lisp-versions) but written in C. Kappa-PC I'm currently using it to build a diagnostic-type expert system. For a small size tool it's pretty good. I don't know of anything in the range that would be any better. It does lack a few things that would be nice (multiple inheritance, user-definable slot facets (though you can do it, just not automagically)). The current version of Kappa is a significant improvement over previous versions. Windows 3.0 (which it runs under) has helped. Also linking to other tools is fairly simple (excel, toolbook, etc). There's lots more I could say about Kappa-PC but I'm not sure what you're interested in hearing. Best of luck! Teresa Hollidge MicroTechnologies Pacific*Bell (415)645-0596 tlholl@pacbell.COM