[comp.ai.shells] Tight coupling knowledge base with OODB

donovan@csl.sri.com (Donovan Hsieh) (01/25/91)

Six months ago, I posted a request for input and information regarding the
current research progress on the tight coupling of knowledge-based systems
with database systems. Since the, I received one response from Frank
the developer of DRIVER system at INRIA, France. Now a full technical report
has been completed on this topic. The abstract is shown in the following. 
If any one should be interested in this report, you can either email me or
contact SRI International for the CSL Technical Report # SRI-CSL-90-15.

Donovan Hsieh
M/S: EL239
SRI International
Computer Science Lab
333 Ravenswood Ave.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

email: donovan@csl.sri.com
phone: (415)859-4123


	       A Logic to Unify Semantic Network Knowledge 
               Systems with Object-Oriented Database Models

		             Donovan Hsieh
		          Computer Science Lab
			    SRI International

	In recent years, coupling knowledge-based systems with existing 
	database systems has gained tremendous attention in both artificial 
	intelligence and database communities. Historically, there have
	been various ways to encode knowledge, such as rule-based,
	frame-based, and logic-based knowledge representations. In this report, 
	we examine some approaches that have been proposed to loosely
	couple knowledge systems with predominantly relational database systems.

	Many existing approaches suffer from (1) poor support of the
	semantic modeling capabilities in the underlying relational database 
	systems that is required by the coupled knowledge systems; (2)
	inadequate performance due to the separation of inference engines 
	from database engines; (3) weak knowledge consistency due to
	the separation of data and knowledge stored in different domains.

	In our Persistent Data/Knowledge Base System, we take a novel approach 
	by tightly coupling semantic-network based knowledge systems with
	object-oriented database models. In order to support the highly 
	semantic knowledge-based system, we need to augment existing 
	object-oriented data models with extra modeling capabilities, such as 
	the interaction of generalization/specialization with aggregation 
	and other association relationships in semantic nets.

	We also argue that semantic-network based knowledge systems provide
	a natural way to integrate both data and knowledge in a unified
	framework when they are stored persistently in object-oriented
	databases with extended modeling capabilities. We also illustrate
	the similarity between semantic-network knowledge representation
	and those semantic database models that, from the modeling power 
	perspective, can be considered as super set of object-oriented 
	data models 

	Finally, we describe future research issues which include 
	incorporating logic representation with high order predicate 
	languages to encode other knowledge, such as uncertainty,
	database constraints, and object class/method definitions.
