[comp.ai.shells] seeking public domain Lisp E.S. Shell

banda@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Carolyn P. Banda) (03/08/91)

We are seeking information on low or no cost, public domain expert system
shells (including ones which have a blackboard architecture), which are
written in Common Lisp and can run on the Symbolics.  We are primarily
interested in obtaining an inference engine which does forward and backword
chaining and has good performance.
We would like to acquire source code.

Some questions:
- Are you using a Lisp-based production system shell and on what machine?
- Is the tool reliable (ie, not buggy)?
- Is support available?
- In general, how do you assess the tool?

Any leads are greatly appreciated.  Please reply via the net or e-mail to:

Many thanks,
Carolyn Banda

P.S. If sufficient replies to e-mail, I will summarize to the net.