[comp.ai.shells] seeking public domain Lisp-based E.S. Shell

banda@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Carolyn P. Banda) (03/09/91)

Actually this is two requests in one: we are seeking information on low or no
cost expert systems shells, both simple and blackboards.  Our constraints are:
public domain, Common Lisp-based (so that it can run on the Symbolics).  We 
are primarily interested in an inference engine which does both forward and
backward inferencing, handles variables, and can make external function calls
to Common Lisp.  Some sort of dynamic priority scheme for rule firing would 
also be desirable.  

We're interested in hearing of your experiences with such a tool:
- what machine you run on
- how well the tool performs (does it use the Rete alogorithm, for example?)
- is the tool reliable (relatively bug-free)?
- is support available?
- in general, how do you assess the tool?

I appreciate any leads.  Please reply via the net or e-mail to:
banda@eos.arc.nasa.gov.  If there is sufficient e-mail response, I will
summarize to the net.

Carolyn Banda
(415) 604-0054