[comp.ai.shells] summary of responses re expert system bb shells

banda@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Carolyn P. Banda) (04/09/91)

Here are the responses to my query for information on public domain 
expert systems shells, especially ones with a blackboard capability.  
Thanks to those people who responded!

Carolyn Banda


From: hlaasri@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr (3/18/91)
To: Carolyn Banda
GatorMail-Q                   Re: seeking public domain L


When I was a PhD student, I co-developed a blackboard-based shell
called ATOME. The latter runs under Symbolics and is compatible 
all common lisp based environments. It integrates sophisticated
explanation mechanisms and graphical tools. At present, it's used
both in research labs and in some industries. It served as a basis for
many thesises in France. Unfortunately, the manual is in French.
Tough, there are some articles in English about ATOME (see 
Architectures and Applications, Jagganathan et al. (editors), 
Press, 1989). If you need more technical information about the 
there is a French post-doc girl at NASA who used it when she was a 
student in France. Currently, she's working with Guy Boy. Here is 
Email: mathe@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov. I think that she came with a 
with here in your labs.

Following is the person to contact to ask for the system (My PhD 

Prof. Jean-Paul Haton
B.P. 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex (France)
Email: jph@loria.crin.fr


Hassan Laasri
Alcatel Alsthom Recherche
Advanced Computing Systems Dept.
Route de Nozay
91460 Marcoussis, France
Email: hlaasri@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr


From: mark@huey.gatech.edu (3/13/91)
To: Carolyn Banda
GatorMail-Q                   public e.s. shell


In response to your inquiry about a public domain
Expert System shell written in LISP...

You mention blackboards and a Symbolics platform.

Well University of Massachusetts AI group has created
UMASS GBB.  which is a blackboarding enviorment written
in LISP.  Extension files are provided so it may be
compiled on a SUN, Symbolics, TI Explorer, Macintosh.

Also included is OPS5 which could be handy to write
your E.S.

to get GBB ftp to dime.cs.umass.edu and grab everything
under gbb.  unfortunately support is non-existent and
the documentation can be ftp'ed as well but is lacking.

good luck....

just email me if you need any more info.

Mark P. Ouellette
Laboratory for Intelligent Design Systems (LIDS)
Georgia Institute of Technology