(Zdzislaw Meglicki) (04/15/91)
12th INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 24 - 30 August, 1991 * Darling Harbour * Sydney * Australia * IJCAI-91 ======== IJCAI-91 will be held at Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August, 1991. Professor Barbara Grosz of Harvard University is the Conference Chair; Professor John Mylopoulos and Professor Ray Reiter, both of the University of Toronto, are Program CoChairs; and Professor Michael McRobbie of the Australian National University is the Australian National Committee Chair. Dr. Donald Walker of Bellcore is Secretary-Treasurer for the Conference. REGISTRATION BROCHURES AND FORMS FOR IJCAI-91 ============================================= The Australian National Committee has arranged for Registration Brochures and Forms for IJCAI-91, to be obtained by three methods: hard copy, ftp, e-mail. These are described below. As noted below, the e-mail option is an option of last resort only. ******************************************************************************* IJCAI-91 WORKSHOP PROGRAM ========================= It is strongly recommended that people interested in the IJCAI-91 Workshop Program obtain a copy of the Registration Brochure via anonymous ftp (see below) as soon as possible since the closing date for submissions for all workshops is 15 May, or in some cases earlier. ******************************************************************************* OBTAINING REGISTRATION BROCHURES ================================ 1. Hard Copies -------------- Hard copies of the Registration Brochures will be available mid- to late April, 1991. Brochures will then be mailed to all current members of the national and regional AI societies and interest groups in the following countries: Australia, Canada, China, Europe (to all who receive AICOM publications), Japan, Korea, Mexico, United States (AAAI), USSR, and to all people who have requested information from IJCAI-91 Conference Committee members or the IJCAI-91 Secretariat. Attempts are being made to send mail to Eastern European countries as well. Anyone who is not a member of one of these societies or does not receive a brochure by mid-May can request one by sending an e-mail message to: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN E-MAIL ADDRESS TO WHICH *ONLY* E-MAIL REQUESTS FOR *HARD COPIES* OF THE REGISTRATION BROCHURES AND FORMS SHOULD BE SENT. IT IS *NOT* A GENERAL IJCAI CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS. Requests for hard copies of the Registration Brochure and Form and any other enquiries concerning IJCAI-91, can be made directly to: IJCAI-91 Secretariat PO Box 787 Potts Point, NSW 2011 AUSTRALIA Tel: (+61-2) 3572600 Fax: (+61-2) 3572950 2. Anonymous ftp ---------------- For those connected to the Internet, the IJCAI Registration Brochure and Form are available as compressed POSTSCRIPT files via anonymous ftp from (IP number (in /IJCAI) and from (alias, IP number (in /doc/IJCAI) ********************************************************************** NOTE: So as to reduce unnecessary network traffic and the number of transfers from, please make the relevant POSTSCRIPT files publicly available at your site. Please contact your local system manager for details of how best to do so. ********************************************************************** To transfer the Registration Brochure and Form proceed as follows: diana 201 $ ftp Connected to 220 vulcan FTP server ($Header: ftpd.c 2.5 89/12/15 $) ready. Name ( anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Password: Now type in your full e-mail address as password (it will be logged). After a successful login change to directory IJCAI. You can issue the command "ls" to see the contents of that directory: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd IJCAI (on do "cd doc/IJCAI" instead) ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (ascii mode) (0 bytes). README 226 Transfer complete. 64 bytes received in 0.039 seconds (1.6 Kbytes/s) ftp> Now enter ftp commands "binary" (in order to transfer the compressed files which are not ASCII) and "prompt" (in order to be able to transfer more than one file with one command without being molested by ftp with unnecessary questions): ftp> binary 200 Type set to I. ftp> prompt Interactive mode off. ftp> At this stage things depend on whether your printers use 11 inch paper (e.g. as in the USA) or A4 size paper. If you use 11 inch paper say: ftp> mget README *.11.* After a successful transfer, quit ftp and unpack the files: ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. % uncompress The two files: "" and "" can be now sent directly to any PostScript printer, e.g., % lpr -Plsr -s % lpr -Plsr -s After uncompressing file will be about 3.5 Mbytes in size. For this reason you should use "-s" option while invoking lpr as lpr will then make a symbolic link between that file and the spooler rather than copy the file to the spooler. If your printer uses A4 instead of 11 inch paper repeat the above procedure for the files "" and "". On some Sys V systems, you may not be able to create files with names longer than 10 or so characters. In that case you may have to transfer files one by one, e.g.: ftp> get ... ftp> get ... Also, on Sys V systems the name of the print command is "lp" and some versions of Sys V do not support symbolic links. However, there should still be an option to lp which will prevent the printed file from being copied to the spooler. In case of problems or difficulties contact your local system manager or: 3. By automatic e-mail ---------------------- ****************************************************************************** NOTE: This procedure is complex and it puts a great burden on any system that participates in the mailing process. Use it ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. If you transfer files in this way, make sure that they become publicly accessible within your site and its neighbourhood. ****************************************************************************** For those not connected to the Internet, A4 and 11'' versions of the IJCAI Registration Brochure and Form can be obtained via e-mail in uuencoded compressed shar format. Send a message to for the 11 inch documents and to for the A4 size documents. The corresponding aliases on vulcan will automatically send you back several shar files. For 11 inch documents you will receive: 94 94 66 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 18 94 and for the A4 size documents: 94 94 94 94 9 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 18 Observe the numbers in front of file names. These are the sizes of the files in kilobytes. ****************************************************************************** WARNING: Do not send an automatic e-mail request if: 1) you do not have enough space in the mail spooler to accomodate these files; 2) your mail links are very slow; 3) your mailer cannot process files of this size; 4) you can use ftp from a machine to which you have an access. ****************************************************************************** To unpack the documents, save the messages on the files with the corresponding names in a separate directory. For example, call that directory IJCAI. If you have program unshar (the latest versions of shar and unshar can be obtained from volume 15 of comp.sources.unix) then do: $ cd IJCAI $ unshar * otherwise you will have to strip the mail headers from all files by hand and then run /bin/sh on them (Bourne shell syntax assumed): $ for i in * > do > /bin/sh $i > done This will create numerous files in your directory with extensions .uu.aa, .uu.ab,, etc. It will also create two command files: (if you have asked for A4 size documents). Execute these to finally recreate the PostScript files (the registration brochure) and (the registration script) The two files: "" and "" can be now sent directly to any PostScript printer, e.g., % lpr -Plsr -s % lpr -Plsr -s The file is about 3.5 Mbytes in size. For this reason you should use the "-s" option while invoking lpr as lpr will then make a symbolic link between that file and the spooler rather than copy the file to the spooler. If your printer uses 11 inch instead of A4 paper repeat the above procedure for the files "" and "". In case of problems or difficulties contact your local system manager or: PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE E-MAIL ADDRESSES TO WHICH *ONLY* E-MAIL REQUESTS FOR THE REGISTRATION BROCHURE AND REGISTRATION FORM *IN UUENCODED COMPRESSED SHAR FORMAT* SHOULD BE SENT. THESE ARE *NOT* GENERAL IJCAI CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESSES. ******************************************************************************* * A note to system managers: * * * * The shar files described above live in ftp anonymous area on * * (IJCAI/shar). You are welcome to transfer these files * * to your system via ftp and set up a similar facility to the one described * * above. A script which bounces mail lives on "bouncepost" in the same * * directory. A script "pack" in that directory illustrates the packing * * process, in case you have to unpack files by hand. * ******************************************************************************* -- Gustav Meglicki,, Automated Reasoning Project, RSSS, and Plasma Theory Group, RSPhysS, The Australian National University, G.P.O. Box 4, Canberra, A.C.T., 2601, Australia, fax: (Australia)-6-249-0747, tel: (Australia)-6-249-0158