[comp.sys.laptops] NEC PC-8500 RAM extensions?

davidl@leonardo.intel.com (David D. Levine) (01/13/90)

I've got an NEC PC-8500 laptop.  I've been using it for years to take notes,
and I'm very happy with it.  (As the Secretary for a variety of local science 
fiction fan organizations I've found it to be absolutely indispensible!)
It's very light and small, but it's got a full-size keyboard with a good feel
and a readable 24x80 screen that tilts.  It also runs for months on
ordinary flashlight batteries.

The problem is the amount of "disk" available.  I say "disk" in quotes
because it's a CP/M machine with 64K of RAM, divided into 32K of user RAM 
and a a 32K RAMdisk.  (All the software is in ROM.)  32K is plenty for the
minutes of an SF club meeting, but now we're putting on a Westercon and the
convention committee meetings tend to overrun the available storage space.

Can anyone suggest a way to increase the amount of storage space for a
reasonable price?  I understand that there was once a RAM extension module
and a 3.5" disk module for this machine, but my dealer's out of business
and I've never seen anything for the PC-8500 anywhere else.  If you have some
old PC-8500 peripherals in your garage or junkbox, I might be glad to take
them off your hands.  Maybe you know where the last NEC PC-8500 dealer in
the universe is.  

Please help!  I can't really afford to upgrade to an UltraLite.  (Unless you
know where I can get one used for under $1000...)

- David D. Levine, Intel IMSO Tech Pubs
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