[comp.sys.laptops] Amstrad PPC 640

boutell@toffee.it.udel.edu (Tom Boutell) (01/15/90)

Has anyone out there encountered this machine? I'm using one, and it's
proven to be pretty much unsinkable, so I thought a plug was in order.
Essentially the machine answers the question, "what do most cheap
laptop designs really want to be?" Amstrad's answer is "semilaptop-" the
machine candidly admits you wouldn't want to look at an unbacklit
LCD and run on C batteries all the time, it just has the capability.
What impressed me was its ability to come through a Delaware rainstorm
intact. (And this state is WET!)

Thing is, though, I haven't run into any other users. Anyone else got
one or want to trade notes? My pet peeve is the disk- switching bug-
it won't recognize a new disk in the A drive until you read for a 
moment from the B drive, and vice versa. Highly annoying when asked for
Command.Com- I usually put the latter in a small C: ramdrive to
defeat this problem.

"It is sometimes necessary to go a long way out of one's way to come back
a short distance correctly." - Edward Albee
"The average price of leechee nuts in Guatemala is the price of your soul!"
- Theatresports Troupe, West End