[comp.sys.laptops] Z-184 With External Floppy Drive

ignatz@chinet.chi.il.us (Dave Ihnat) (02/06/90)

This is a question that is also being pursued by Zenith, but they don't have
any answers yet; and, I figured it would be mildly amusing to some of you out

I recently upgraded to a Z-184 20Mb unit from a Z-181 dual-floppy.  In the
course of things, I tried out my Zenith-authentic external 5.25" drive that
I'd bought for the old machine.  All worked well...until I formatted a disk.

It formatted the thing as a 720K 5.25" diskette!  Yes, folks, it double-tracked
the critter.  The storage is really there, too!  This is great for local
archives, but it's kind of annoying when I want to cut a floppy for somebody
else.  (It can read and write pre-formatted 320K and 360K floppies with no
problem.)  I've tried using the tracks option to format (T:40), but no luck--
the command won't accept it.

Does anyone have experience with this problem?  If not, I'll eventually track
it down and document both the current setup (for those who would like to double
the storage on a normal 5.25" drive) and the correction.  (As an aside, I was
curious how many bad clusters I'd find when formatting at the higher density.
I ran 30 "generic" diskettes from an Ann Arbor supplier called "SuperDisk",
and failed to find a single bad cluster.  It is still Caveat Utilitor, however.)


	Dave Ihnat