[comp.sys.laptops] Portable terminal, Tandy hard disk

blk@mitre.org (Brian L. Kahn) (03/26/90)

I've been looking for a printer, and so paging through Computer
Shopper.  Here's two items that are relevant to recent postings.

I notice that UnderWare Electronics advertised the NEC 8501 for $199
in January.  Limited supply, but they might still have some.  I
haven't bought anything from them, but I have owned an NEC starlet.
The 8501 has a real nice screen and keyboard, and is a competant CP/M
computer.  $199 is a good price.  They also have the 8401, which has a
distinctly less appealing (16 line, not supertwisted) screen for $179.

The Jan '90 issue also has an article on installing a third party
drive into the Tandy 1400.  No price mentioned, but the author
considers the Tandy price outrageous so it must be a lot less than

Fun Magazine, that Computer Shopper.  Anyone out there own the bizarre
"wrist PC"?  Looks like fun for $30!

B<   Brian Kahn   blk@security.mitre.org   "may the farce be with you"