(Henry A. Rowley) (07/01/90)
Has anyone out there tried to install a 80C287 in their Toshiba 1600. I think the manual suggests sending the machine to a dealer, but I would prefer to do it myself. Specifically, I need to know how to open the case, where in the computer the socket is for the coprocessor, and any other information that would be useful during the installation. Thanks in advance. Henry A. Rowley Internet: -or- THE CONTENT OF THE PROPOSITIONS - _The Shockwave Rider_ ----------------------- #1: That this is a rich planet. Therefore poverty and hunger are unworthy of it, and since we can abolish them, we must. #2: That we are a civilized species. Therefore none shall henceforth gain illict advantage by reason of the fact that we together know more that one of us can know.