[comp.sys.laptops] Hints for a Z88 memory expansion hack


I mailed this to <bp@UUCP.pixar> sometime ago, but I think it bounced. I
though it might be of general interest to the Z88 community, especially those
in the US. I haven't tried this, but it seems that you can by static RAM
modules with 256K and 512K byte capacity which fit in a single socket and
has the 'standard' pinouts. If anybody tried it I'd like to hear from them.

---------------------------- message follows ------------------------------

I have been a z88 user for the past 4 years and it seems like a neat machine.

I too have opened it up to have a look inside (not many chips!) and had
a poke around. A similar upgrading Idea crossed my mind after eading an
article in EPROM, the Z88 user group magazine (address below).

My board is serial 005027 and is marked (just to right of VR1) "Z88 Iss 4"

The info is as follows, from Z88 EPROM Sept/Oct 1988, vol 2, iss 5:

...the normal 64K address space is split into 4 16K pages. Withing any
16K section any one of 256 pages may be selected, thus the total memory
space is a vast 4Mbytes.

Which four pages are currently selected in the 64K address space is controlled
by the opeating system, and it does this by writing to paging resigesters in
custom chip.

THe pages are splits as follows:

00-1f Internal rom (OZ) 512K max, 128k used
20-3f Internal RAM 512k max, 32k used
40-7f expansion slot 1 1024k max
80-bf expansion slot 2 1024k max
c0-ff expansion slot 3 1024k max

The first 32 pages are reserved for operating system and applications ROM.
Only the first 8 are used [this leaves open the possiblity that you could
cram a few more applications inside the machine by copying applications
into a new bigger rom and replacing the current rom, which on my machine
anyhow is socketed -kgp]. The next 32 are set aside for RAM, but only 2pages
are used by the 32k fitted. I understand the circuit board will actually
take a 128Kbyte chip -- perhaps the Z89 [this never happened, but why is
beyond me, the added value is there for free. is there a bug in the os? -kgp].
(or even 256K -Ed [this comment must refer to the extra lines but it would
make more sense to talk about 512K -- 32K times 16 -kgp]). The remaing 192
pages are spread acrossd the three slots allowing up 1o 1Mbyte each.

..the page selection registers are at I/O port address: &d0, &d1, &d2, &d3
and the OZ keeps a copy in the &400 page.

Other points of interest on the pcb are: the Supercap capacitor next to the ROM
(to allow the batteries to be changed with a reset) and the 21v inverter
(for blowing the EPROMs) just to the left of the serial connector.

All in all its a shame that they didn't socket the RAM chip, it would make
an up grade a lot easier. To put a 128K ram in would probably need
bad hack on the pcb to remove the current ram chip (with a risk of damaging
the pcb). If you try it let me know! But it seems like a cheaper way to
128K machine. If nothing else you will get a bigger RAM:0 disk!

The club address is:

z88 users' club
68 Wellington street
long eaton
NG10 5NG

There is a small program and some more info in the article I quoted above.
Send me your postal address and I'll send you a xerox.

[This is extended to anybody on the net!]

Happy hacking,

Kevin "fractal" Purcell    | SURFACE SCIENCE CENTRE | The debugging of a one
kpurcell@liverpool.ac.uk   | Liverpool University   | thousand line program
Mac User Emotional Support | Liverpool L69 3BX      | starts with a single step