[comp.sys.laptops] R/S 100 termcap

silvert@cs.dal.ca (Bill Silvert) (08/07/90)

Someone requested this, but I didn't have it handy at the time and lost
his address before I had a chance to reply:

Termcap entry for m100 terminal:
rc|m100|R/S Model 100
165  bytes in 21   strings
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
al=\EL                              add (insert) blank line
am                                  automatic margins
bs                                  ^h does backspace
cd=^L                               clear to end of display
ce=\EK                              clear to end of line
cl=\EE                              clear screen
cm=\EY%+\040%+\040                  cursor motion
co#40                               number of columns in a line
dl=\EM                              delete line
ho=\EH                              home cursor
kd=^_                               sent by terminal down arrow key
kl=^]                               sent by terminal left arrow key
kr=^\                               sent by terminal right arrow key
ku=^^                               sent by terminal up arrow key
le=^H                               cursor left
li#8                                number of lines on screen or page
nd=^\                               nondestructive space (cursor right)
se=\Eq                              end stand out mode
so=\Ep                              begin stand out mode
up=\EA                              upline (cursor up)
xt                                  tabs destroy, magic so
William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2.  Tel. (902)426-1577
BITNET=bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac	InterNet=bill%biomel@cs.dal.ca