xdab@ellis.uchicago.edu (David Baird) (08/17/90)
My office recently purchased a Toshiba T1200HB portable computer. I charged up the batteries according to the manual, loaded the software, started to learn to use the computer, and then went on vacation. While I was on vacation I put the computer on the shelf, but I did not have it plugged into the AC adaptor. Today my boss and I were going to look at the computer, but the batteries were totally drained. (Vacation lasted 2 weeks.) I am now recharging, but the question arose as to whether we have a bad battery pack or if this is usual operating procedure? Or another way to ask the question is do we have to keep it plugged in unless we actually have to operate it without access to a wall plug (like in a meeting or working overnight in a hotel room)? Thanks for your insights. -- X-----------------------------------------------------------------------------X X David Baird xdab@midway.uchicago.edu X X University Computing Organizations d-baird@uchicago.edu X X University of Chicago (312) 702-7161 X
ernulf@fy.chalmers.se (Kurt Ernulf) (08/22/90)
I had a similar problem with my T1000 some time ago. After charging the batteries for 24 hours, it was still dead. Before replacing the batteries, as a last try, I recharged the unit for five days straight. Now it works like a charm.... Kurt Ernulf U. of Goteborg, Sweden upske@gd3090.gd.chalmers.se