[comp.sys.laptops] portable terminals

stecz@hotwheel.dell.com (John Steczkowski) (08/24/90)

Does anyone have experience with portable terminals.  I want something that
has a display and a keyboard, and a decent built in modem.  It doens't even
need to work on batteries, put I would like it to be portable.  Inexpensive
would be nice also...


John Steczkowski
Dell Unix Customer Support  P#: (512) 343-3571
9505 Arboretum Blvd.	    !s: uunet!dell!hotwheel!stecz
Austin, Texas 78759	    @s: stecz@hotwheel.dell.com

zlraa@iceman.jcu.oz (Ross Alford) (08/31/90)

Toshiba T1000s seem to be available for a street price of < $600
in the U.S., have a reasonable 80X25 display, run a wide variety
of terminal emulators, can use a built-in 2400 bps modem, or
external modem, and you get a low-power PC clone in the bargain.
Size--medium 3-ring binder, weight just over 6 lbs.

I have one, which gets used about half the time as a portable
terminal, so I know whereof I speak.

Ross Alford