[comp.sys.laptops] t1200 pin-outs

ee89jje@surrey.ac.uk (Julian J Edwards) (12/03/90)

I am currently working on fitting a transputer inside my T1200, but I am having
extreme difficulty in obtaining the pin-outs for the internal minature expansion
slot.  Whenever I ask for them, people always send the pin-outs for the 
expansion card that Toshiba are selling for some ridiculously expensive price.

Has anyone got details on these pin-outs?  I would be very greatful if someone
could email them to me.

If this is not possible, then does anyone in the UK know the UK address of 
Toshiba so that I can write and ask them?

Thanks in advance.


#  Juggling: 3 balls is easy, 4 balls is   | Trust me,I *know* what I'm doing #
#  a challenge, but 5 balls is !@?$%&!...  | Eddie: ee89jje@ee.surr.ac.uk     #