[comp.sys.laptops] Zeos vs. Austin 286 notebooks - Recommendations?

jlb@aipna.ed.ac.uk (John Beaven) (12/07/90)

Hi there -

A friend of mine is going to the States next month and wants to get a 
286 notebook when there.

Austin and Zeos advertise machines with pretty good prices, and similar
specs: 286 processor, Hard and Floppy drives, VGA screen, 6lbs. The
Austin one is slightly cheaper ($1900 vs $2000), and of the machines she 
has seen advertised, the choice seems to be between these two.

Has anyone got any experience of either machine, or even better, of both?
- what's the screen like?
- what is the battery life?
- what are these companies like for reliability etc.?
- is the delivery prompt? This is important because my friend is only going 
  to be in the States for 2 weeks.

Also, has she missed out any machine that compares favourably with these?

Thanks in advance,
John   jlb@aipna.ed.ac.uk