[comp.sys.laptops] Toshiba Bulletin on Dos 5.0

traiger@oxy.edu (Saul Traiger) (06/11/91)

I just pulled the following bulletin off the Toshiba BBS
conerning Toshiba laptops and DOS 5.0


The MS-DOS 5.0 Retail Upgrade Package was announced on 6/11/91.
The following is a list of known limitations that users of
Toshiba PCs will encounter when they attempt to use the DOS 5.0
retail package on their system. The following should help answer
most questions regarding the use of the retail version of MS-DOS
5.0 on Toshiba PCs.

All of these problems will be corrected on Toshiba MS-DOS 5.0.

o  EMM386 and RESUME not compatible : The EMM386 driver allows
   DOS 5.0 to simulate Expanded (EMS) memory on machines using
   a 386 processor. It also allows TSRs and device drivers to
   loaded into high memory thus freeing up conventional memory
   for applications. The current driver from Microsoft is not
   compatible with RESUME mode on the T3100SX and T2000SX. This
   causes the machine to to hang after a power down/up cycle.
   The user has to press the hard reset button in order to remove
   the machine from this state.

o  EMM386 disables the PopUp Window : If the EMM386 driver is
   loaded, then the Fn-PopUp key combination does not allow the
   PopUp Window to be displayed. Therefore the user is unable
   the view the current battery status or change any of the
   battery saving features.

o  DOS Shell task switcher does not preserve the Gray Scale map :
   The DOS 5.0 Shell allows task switching. If the user has
   several tasks active, using VCHAD to adjust the gray scales
   for a given session will cause the gray scales for other tasks
   will be corrupted. Toshiba MS-DOS 5.0 will contain a TSR which
   will preserve the gray scales for each active session.

o  HardRAM is not recognized : MS-DOS 5.0 will not recognize
   HardRAM unless the user first runs FDISK on the HardRAM drive.
   Toshiba DOS 5.0 will not require or allow the user to run
   FDISK on HardRAM.

o  IC Disk not recognized : DOS 5.0 does not recognize ROM DOS
   drive. This occurs on machines with DOS 3.30 in ROM (T1000SE,
   T1000XE). The SETUP10 and CHAD utilities that are stored in
   ROM are not recognized by the standard Microsoft product.

o  Toshiba Video modes not supported : All EGA and VGA Toshiba
   machines have special video modes that are not supported by
   MS-DOS 5.0.

o  VCHAD, XCHAD, GSM display garbage in DOS Shell : All of the
   for-mentioned gray scale managers have various problems when
   the DOS Shell is configured for 43 line graphics mode.

o  VCHAD and PopUp Window do not repaint the screen properly :
   When the DOS Shell is set up for medium or high resolution
   graphics modes, the VCHAD and PopUp Window's do not repaint
   the screen properly when they exit. The screen can be
   restored by forcing the DOS Shell to repaint (Shift-F5).

o  Unreadable installation screens : The default gray scale
   mappings sometimes produce unreadable or undesirable displays
   on the LCD and Plasma machines.

o  European Keyboards and Code Pages not supported : Many Toshiba
   keyboards are not fully compatible with the IBM keyboards.
   Therefore the European keyboards and fonts will not be supported
   by the retail DOS 5.0.

o  MODE command does not allow COM port(s) to be set to 19.2K baud :
   Currently this only works on PS/2 computers. Toshiba will modify
   MODE to allow the COM ports to be set to 19.2K baud.