[comp.unix.i386] Console Drivers for XENIX2.3.1

terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu (Terry Hull) (03/22/89)

I am interested in creating a console driver for the VEGA VRAM card
for XENIX V/386 v2.3.1.  I thought I read in Discover that starting
with 2.3.1 the console drivers would be modular so that third partys
could add support for non-standard video cards.  I also remember that
there was supposed to be a console driver development kit available.
Does anyone have this kit?  If so, what does it contain?  Has anyone
already written a driver for the 600x800 and 768x1024 modes for the
VEGA VRAM card (or any other VGA card with extended modes for that

Also, I have not purchased the card yet, and would like to know what
the problems are when using that card with XENIX before I buy it.  I'd
also be interested in recommendations on super VGA cards.  
Thanks in advance for your help.

Terry Hull 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University
Work:  terry@eecea.eece.ksu.edu, rutgers!ksuvax1!eecea!terry
Play:  rutgers!ksuvax1!eecea!tah386!terry